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Last Updated on April 24th, 2000

Name: barbara morgendorffer
Age: 17
Country: chile
Message: yeah!!! april 26 ,xena 5th season on usa networks! e-mail me.

Name: Jobi Kakk
Age: 17
Country: Estonia
Message: I`m just a little fan!

Name: Niki van Steenvelt
Age: 20
Country: Netherlands
Message: Hi all...I'm a big X:WP-fan (like..duh) I just love the strength of Xena and Gaby and the friendship they share. I'm hoping to meet some new people this way to talk with about the show and stuff, since it's kinda hard to find fans where i live....most people haven't even heard of the show! So, please feel free to write me!!!

Name: judy lawing
Age: 43
Country: usa
Message: I think only another Xena fan can truly understand one's obsession with the show. When my two Shih Tzu girls were born sept 99, there could only be one thing to name them---Xena and Gabrielle, naturally. As it turned out, my vet's wife was also a fan of the show and understood completely. Please tell me there are more fans out there in the over 40 age bracket, but I'd love to hear from any age fan of Xena Warrior Princess. BATTLE ON XENA!

Name: Quan Murphy
Age: 30
Country: USA
Message: Hey nobodies to old to love Xena the show is great I never miss an episode and it's good to meet other fans.

Name: tonya nutter
Age: 27
Country: usa
Message: I truley am a xena fan. I spend a lot of my free time on the web just looking for xena stuff. Xena i know is just a show but i love to think it's real and that i could have friends like her gabrille and joxer, would love to here from you.

Name: Leigh Haworth
Age: 47
E-Mail: LEIGH_HAWORTH@photos
Country: England
Message: Hi out there I`m the oldest Xena fan in the world Ithink but I love that gal she`s tops .I think a week without Xena would drive me crazy. i`m well and truly hooked.

Name: Anita Teekah
Age: 15
Country: USA
Message: Hey all you Xenites!! I am a total hardcore nutball Xena fan!! My friends think I'm totally crazy, but I have been watching since the beginning, and the show has changed my life completely. I think I'm a much better person than I ever could have been if not for this show. I'd love to hear from you!

Name: Chelsie Manhart
Age: 15
Country: USA
Message: First off hi all you Xena fans. Well i've been watching Xena since the first day it started and I still find so many things interesting and exciting about the show.

Name: Janise Randall
Age: 17
Country: U.S.A
Message: I am a huge fan of XWP. Please write me so that we can chat about the show. I need a challenge on a xena game, do I have a challenger?

Name: Xena Lawless
Age: 17
Country: Spain
Message: I'm a fanatic of "Xena:warrior princes",and I must say that ,with Xena ,I've learn a lot of things,like:"If you want,you can".

Name: Jessica Bueth
Age: 18
Country: Germany
Message: Hi ! I´m a big Xena fan and I would be happy if I would find other fans who would like to write me because I don´t have anybody to talk about that great show.

Name: Nikki (Tai Warrior) Christie
Age: 28
Country: England
Message: I've been obsessed with all things X:WP, Lucy and Renee since Season 1. There is nothing like it on TV that's even half as good. So, if any of you guys want to chat, feel free to e-mail me at: Go on, don't be shy :):)

Name: Illyandria
Age: 12
Country: USA
Message: I just wanna say that I hope I can find somebody to talk to that is as much as a Xena and Ares fan as I am! I have my own site, by the way if you're a Xena and Ares fan you'll wanna check it out.

Name: Bethany
Age: 27
Country: Canada
Message: Hi there! I'm a huge fan of the show, it's cast and crew. They're brilliant. I can't get enough and I know there are those of you out there who know what I mean. I'm also a huge fan of fanfic (subtext friendly of course) Feel free to email.

Name: Graciela Perez Aguilar
Age: 52
Country: Argentina
Message: Espero compartir con ustedes mis impresiones y comentarios acerca de la serie de Xena. A mi me encanta!!!! Soy lesbiana y me gustaria comunicarme con mujeres que tengan un punto de vista similar.

Name: Gynny Martínez
Age: 20
Country: Venezuela
Message: .. HOLA A TODOS: Soy fan de la serie y de sus personajes. Me gustaría intercambiarideas.

Name: Line Vebenstad
Age: 14
Country: Norway
Message: I just LOVE X:WP! I watch it whenever I can. My sister says that I`m addicted to it. My best frien is tired of me allways talking about it, so I need somebody else to talk to.

Name: Jackie Burwell
Age: 46
Country: USA
Message: No one is ever to young or old to be a Xenite Xena's world is a world of ageless wonders. I live and breathe Xena

Name: Bridget.Scambler.KING.
Age: 11
Country: Australia(VICTORIA,Melbourne)
Message: -

Name: Teena Gabby Lipton
Age: 13
Country: USA
Message: I think that Xena is so cool! She and Gabrielle teach us to like our selves and to not let anyone put you down! She teaches us also to try and talk things out without having to fight our way. She makes us laugh, cry, be strong, and to make new friends, and that is what I think about Xena: Warrior Princess!

Name: Sue Aubrey
Age: 43
Country: England
Message: I think I am the eldest Xena fan but I just love it . There is no tv show to beat it . I have tons of merchandise that I have gotten over the last few years , and I couldn't live without my daily dose of Xena and Gabrielle . Feel free to E-Mail me at

Name: Kimberly Rosier
Age: 19
Country: USA
Message: I am a huge fan of Xena: Warrior Princess. I love Xena and Gabrielle and their portrayers Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor. Iwould love to chat with anyone who loves Xena as much as I do!

Name: Corxena of Austria
Age: 17
Country: Austria
Message: hi everybody!i´m so glad i found this page!! i don´t know anybody who loves xena just as much as i do! i really LOVE this woman! she changed my life because she (and of course gabby too!) taught me what life´s about:friendship!!! i´d be very happy if you´d e-mail me because i´ve got noone to talk to about my fav tv-show!!i hope i´ll find a friend!!!!

Name: Helen Somaraki
Age: 20
Country: Greece
Message: I've watced Xena since the first episode and I've been obsessed with the show,as well as with both Lucy and Renee.So,if you adore them and want someone to share your feelings with,just e-mail me.

Name: Tom (Darkchild) Radford
Age: 15
Country: England
Message: I just adore Xena and Gabby,and that physcohosebeast Callisto,I love her aswell! I am a big Xena fan and I love meeting other Xenites around the world. Please mail me if you want a Xenite friend!

Name: Kristin Montgomery
Age: 14
Country: USA
Message: I am an absolute Xena fanatic.I love this show more than you can believe.I love everything about it.I want to get in touch with a Xena fan as big as me.Battle On, Xena!

Name: Corey (warrior) Miller
Age: 15
Country: USA
Message: I am a total xena nut and I like how the show brings out the warrior in all us. I just would like to meet a e-mail pen-pal and get to know more about the show, so feel free to e-mail me PLEASE!!!!!

Name: Keith (Kerabe) Bell
Age: 32
Country: Canada
Message: I don't get to watch the show alot because of my job but I do enjoy reading the fanfic out there. My friends don't think being a Xena fan is too odd :) Gotta do something for a hobby!

Name: True Xena
Age: 30
Country: USA
Message: I've watched the show since the first Herc eps she showed up in. Have been totally obsessed by everything Xena since. I am also an avid reader of Missy Good FanFiction. You can learn a little bit about me on my site and maybe see some pics of me as well.

Name: Shawna (Cadet) Winters
Age: 17
Country: USA
Message: Hey All....Just wanted to say that I absolutely LOVE X:WP!! As well as H:TLJ and Young Herculese the series and the movie!!! Hmm, I can't really think of too much else to say at the moment. Hmm...Ya think Ryan Gosling may get a guest part or two in X:WP before it all goes away? (Just me and my wishful thinking here) :0)

Name: Monica (Tessa) Petrozolin
Age: 12
Country: USA
Message: X:WP's staff is caring, great, and fun. That's one of the reasons I love the show. Wondering when the show will stop is no problem, because at the end of 6th Season, I'll just watch re-runs. These are the words I use, a hardcore-nutball Xenite at heart. I have a Xena site at: So please visit it and sign the guestbook. Thank you and battle on!

Name: Cheryl (Sword) Koval
Age: 34
Country: USA
Message: Ok Ok. I may be aliitle old for Xena who cares i love the show. Come visit my Xena site: sign the guestbook. so my friends think i'm crazy for liking the show. I just tell them to each there own.