Written September 19, 1999
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and the WB network. Please, don’t sue me.
Rating: PG
Characters: Buffy/Angel and Xander/Cordelia
Summary: They reflect upon their relationships.
Content: Clean. Spotless.
Feedback: semi_sweet_16@hotmail.com or samblue_22@hotmail.com
Buffy sat alone in her room, thinking about her weekend in Aspen. Angel had changed so much and yet she didn’t know how. Kissing Billy Walters was a test. A test that she had passed. She finally understood that her mind, body, and soul belonged to Angel. Angel…Just saying his name was music to her ears. He brought so much love and kindness into her heart. Come to think of it, they both helped each other blossom over the years. No regrets she thought as she wrote the words in her diary.
Xander remembered when he hated Cordelia with an extreme passion. Now, everything changed. Allison wasn’t the one for him. Not when she tried to drive an ax through his scull, made it more convincing. He belonged to Cordelia, after she made her presence known back in Sunnydale. She fought to be with him and that’s all that mattered to him. As Xander took a sip of his beer he thought about words that would sum up how he felt. 'No regrets' embedded his brain as he took another sip from his beer.
Cordelia had to go shopping. It was the only way she could get her mind from thinking about Xander Harris. The love she had for him was incredible. Her heart pounded as she thought of him. He was actually cute in an Eddie Munster kind of way. She had proven that she was the better woman since she beat the crap out of that platinum blonde, Allison. No regrets at all, she loved Xander no matter how much they bickered.
Angel sat in the mansion, trying his best to avoid the sunlight as possible. Buffy...she was everything that he had ever wanted, minus the whole killing vampires, demons, and fighting supernatural forces. He loved her enough not to tell her about Daria. A girl who he thought was real but wasn't. Or was she? He couldn't tell Buffy that he made love to someone else that wasn't her, real or not. He had learn to depend on her and she to him. They were blossoming like a new red rose. It wasn't easy, but, they managed to pull things together. 'No regrets', he thought to himself. He wouldn't change anything about his beloved Buffy. No regrets at all.
The End