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Letter To Satan

Hey Satan!

You really shook me up last night! Having someone go into
a Youth Rally and shoot people, that seemed cruel even for
you! You almost had me discouraged and disheartened. Almost
then I started to realize what was really going on.

My main question was why are you attacking Christian Youth?
Then it hit me, fear. You realize that these are the people
that will turn the tide of your "battle". You are so afraid
because these youth aren't afraid of your conventional weapons.
Peer pressure, drugs, sex, greed are all failing as these kids
are standing up and saying "NO. I choose to honor God with my
behavior." You tried cranking up the heat, making the culture
more enticing to them, and they still say "NO".So you try to
use the weapon that works well with adults, fear. That's not
working. You killed them in Paducah, KY but still they pray. You
shot them because they said yes to Jesus in Littlton, CO and
they still choose to walk with God. Now you murder them in Fort
Worth, and they still worship our awesome God.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, it won't work! Our kids
don't cave in to you!! they're going to do exactly what you fear
most. They will pray for strength. And God will give it to them!
He will give them strength to keep going. They will spark a revival
in our nation that will turn millions back to God. Once again
Jesus' love will beat your hate! Oh and as for trying to make them
feel that life is hopeless, that's where I come in. I won't let
that happen. I will fight you every step of the way, showing the
hope that is the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

You see now we have not been given a spirit of fear. But God calls
us his children, and you don't mess with one of God's kids! So take
your shots and try, but we will not cave and we're finished being
on the defensive. Jesus tells us that the Gates of Hell can't stop
us and we're claiming that promise. So get ready for the battle
of your life. Problem for you is, you have already lost. You lost
2,000 years ago when you tried to kill Jesus. Now the students that
you kill are standing with Him, No more pain, laughing at you and
your feeble attempt at victory. Please understand, this is no
less than a declaration of of war. You may want to give up now, cause
our Dad is on our side and Jesus told us that if he is for us
nobody can stand against us. So if you desire, we will accept your
unconditional surrender, otherwise lets get ready to rumble!

Your sworn Enemies Forever,
The Followers of the Way of Jesus Christ

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