============================================================ Ohio State Adventures
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Having cool friends who go to Ohio State makes weekend adventures really fun! :)
The first trip was to visit Hannah. We went clubbing and talked to a ton of hot guys!

Hannah (right) and me before going out for the night.

Two hot guys and me on the street.

Sarah's friends had a party, and she and Chris let Justin and me go with them.



Kyle, Chris, and Brian.


Sarah, Chris and Brian.

Sarah and me.

Justin and me.

Justin showing Sarah his nipple piercings.

Here are pictures from my Feb. 2003 visit to Ohio State to visit Hannah and Sarah.

Hannah and Preston

Sarah and Chris

Steve Patrick and me (We went to Italy together)

Bob and me

Preston and me

Hannah drinking out of a cup she found in the phone booth.

Preston mooning everyone from the phone booth.

Preston playing guitar. He's really good!


Stay tuned for more Ohio State Adventures!