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Whispers Of Passions Fire

A Dream
the crash of surf...

so softly do i even pretend
so dearly so i imagine.......mmmmmm
warmly , i hold you to me
your soft flesh perfectly mixed with my form
your dearest smells, and tastes to compliment me
your wonder to brighten my darkness
there is a sea,
softer than a whisper
it slides over this sanded shore
each next union,
they two for that instant become one thing
rushing over her, that sea licks her clean
taking with him ever back ......her essence
and at that precise moment
leaving her marked forever with himself

you are that paradise , that perfect shore
that devine beach
and i would be that sea , were i only able
but surely you are that perfect lover ....
whispers of passions fire

someday ask me ....someday when life is slow
or perhaps when life seems too fast,
we will go there together
together we will recall that night
i took your kisses
the thousand hundred kisses the moon made on that sea
the softest sighs the surf made surrendering to that beach

dearly they were perfect we are in my dreams
you are more ..more than deserving a dream..more
and i am so blessed to be able to call you dream
to call you fantasy, to be able to call you love

whispers now soft and near
sweetly sleep here and dear.........

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