a dream

delicious image, sweetly magical that taste lingers on his lips long after she has gone
after the car carries him away, sitting in traffic his fingers still have her smell,
her taste there in his mustache makes his lips surrender to a new smile

its a whisper she has heard at night when the stars seem too far away to feel
her bed soft and cool yet she would trade it all for another hour
their two forms twisting to passions sweet fires

your soft petals opening to a new tongue
dearly there the sweet flows of life join the two again and again
til their thunder shouts a reclaim
and their souls melt into the other

her fingers tease sweetly those places his face had been
and she knows he will return for he has left his soul there along her velvet thighs
it is a soft kiss and another and another that lingers yet in her heart
his moans at her touch, hers at his, the sweet way they became one thing
the fires that swept over her as his form erupted
the spilling of self amount another's sweet passions

the book that you gave me, this image you shared here
sweetly it renders me yours but the image you wear from my dreams
it is something my heart had thought it created or was it you ?
i should love the sweet stubble softly to tease my tongue
have your lovers not taken you there
for surely you are goddess enough to have been so treated

i wish our dreams could then blend
for softly would these hands make you free to fly
this tongue would set fire to you
that flames make you a heavens star

SoS 40100

copyright © 4/01/2000 By SoS

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