a dream

The battle inside

if only i could have you alone for moments
that became days and years, you would be a new creature
capable of flight again, wanton flight
stealing stardust and moonlight
a creature capable of rivaling the suns soft smile
you are the magic all men seek, the fire all women feel
the dreams of all young girls, and the lust of all young men
in your breast are the passions that created fire that first time
in your eyes the vision of tomorrow and all the tomorrows

i want to make you fluid and electric, then drink that elixir
lick aside your soft taste and feel your fire
am i evil for that lust ?
or are we already mated in some other existence
come touch me, feel this form
run your fingers here along these muscles and bones
know this mans heart and soul. it screams your name
the stars turned this morning to see what manner of man would shout your name
the heavens paused their steps to know the dreams we were to share
would you deny all these that await you
only needing your soft lips to open and take us in
what would you have of me,
already i offered you my soul and heart, blood
it is part and parcel included spirit and breath
all yours only that you reach and take them
is it so worthless a dream to chase ?
so few find
so few know
so few taste
i chase flights of fantasy screaming

SoS 40100

copyright © 4/01/2000 By SoS

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