a dream


when the night had finally surrendered to light
and the terrible nightmare seemed over
she found herself beside a river,
peering into that soft reflection of the sky,
when she noticed her face there
her soft eyes teared and reddened
" this time, i 'll not weep again." she sighed
but time is a terrible circle for those who only hide
and tears her days were and weeping her nights
now whispers remind that soft thoughts rush in again
and heart ache seems so real like deaths only kin
and softly wanting to be touched she rubs again her skin
and closes eyes to seek those dreams that make a smile begin
canst any heart but mind , truly know and understand
and will i live to see his face and feel his lips again

but night is chased by daylight bright thoughout eternity
and all we hide inside ourselves pours forth of so it seems
and all i wish and all i want and all i'll ever be
is now a sighed and softed thought trapped forever in a dream
so wait i here for dawns first light
and tears i shed confessing night
and whispered softly his dear name
i know now to him i was only a game....


copyright © 02/01/2001 By SoS

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