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welcome to the article 1 page. here we show you the article that followed distant soldiers major revamp. thanks for coming. also, everything in here comes straight from the review page.

"Once Upon a Time there was a website called Distant Soldiers. Those who created it were very pleased with it. It was all theirs. They decided to be reviewed, to see what others thought of their baby. The reviewers did not like the poor little website. In fact, one of them hit the site with a dead fish. We will not mention names, of course. This made the owners of Distant Soldiers very sad. Did they cry? Did they destroy their site? NO! They made it better. One little reviewer came to visit the site again, and was very happy indeed to see the many wonderful improvements. Hopefully, the little website that grew will become one of the best in the land!

Well. Yes. I was bloody surprised to see the drastic improvements this site has undergone. Check out the layouts section to see the Before and After. THIS is why I Review. Not to get an ego boost, not to put others down or get them to destroy their site, but to make it better. Reviews are constructive criticism. Anyhoo, big arse Congrats to those at Distant Soldiers for not taking our bad review badly. "