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pluto bio

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Sailor Pluto as we know is the guardian of the time gate, and the soldier of time. She was to guard the time gate for eternity from trespassers, and first appears in manga, act 16, and in anime, Sailor Moon R, episode 75. We first see Sailor Pluto in Chibi-usa's "Luna Spere". But she actually introduces herself when Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Chibi-usa, and the inner scouts want to go to the future to save Chibi-Usa's mother, who is actually Neo Queen Serenity. She was very mysteries in Sailor Moon R, but in Sailor Moon S, you get to know Sailor Pluto as Setsuna. In Sailor Moon S, Sailor Pluto's introduced as Meiou Setsuna and works at a observatory. She also meets up with Sailor Uranus and Neptune, which are looking for the three talismans (aqua mirror, space sword and garnet orb), and Sailor Pluto consumes of one of them, the garnet orb. When they find them, it forms into the "Holy Grail". At the end, she uses her "Dark Dome Close" to shut Sailor Saturn out of this world, and from destroying the world. Later in manga, you see her in Sailor Moon Super S, but in anime, you don't see her until the last season. In the future, she still, like the pasts, guards the time gate. Alone