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saturn bio

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Goddess of death, sailor of destruction, angel of rebirth, the senshi blessed by the planet of silence or goth are the most commen names towards this soldier. But to make this a little simpler, you can just call her Sailor Saturn: Soldier of death and rebirth. Her life is yet another dramatic side-tracked story (from the original plot) that the creator of Sailor Moon successfully introduced to the SM audience. Successfully meaning, that she wasn't taken badly as the 'new sailor' and all, (ie: starlights, neptune/uranus relationship etc.) Note: only to most people, not EVERYBODY. Moving along......Hotaru (her name when she's not fighting as a sailor) was first introduced Sailor Moon S, Manga Volume 7, Act 24. When she was young, there was an accident in her father's lab, and she died.....see, gettin dramatic already :). Then then the evil Pharoh 90 (a death buster) appears, and says that he'll bring his daughter back to life, if he sells his soul to him. He did, and then on becames evil, and his daughter half cyborg (half robot...very cool). Hotaru having many scars (being at her state) wears black to hide them and also has a special healing power which her peers think is weird. Because of that, she has no friends and is very lonely....feeling sorry for her yet?... BUT this being Sailor Moon, there is NEVER an unhappy ending, for Hotaru meets Chibi-usa and they become good friends. Later in season, she turns into the evil Mistress Nine, who has been growing inside her since the accident. Anyways, it starts growing and growing and growing and as soon as you know it Hotaru's possessed by Mistress Nine!! Mistress nine known as the attractive lady that has hair the same length as Repunsel (however, you spell)! hmmmmm.....maybe even longer.....anyways a lot of sentimental memories go through her mind and hotaru fights mistress nine and she kills her! darn, she was so cool. She then becomes Sailor Saturn! A lot of other stuff happends but at the end, Sailor Saturn uses her Death Reborn Revolution, which is supposed to destroy the world, but Sailor Moon saves it. The outer senshi then hear a baby crying, and see it's Hotaru, who has just been reborn....... The next time you see her, is with Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto. And it seems as if they they're all one big happy family. Then, one night the spirit of Sailor Saturns comes in when she's in the bath tub, and restores her memeories about her in Sailor Moon S. She then morphs into the spirit, and they become one again (she is also back to her original age). After that she fights along with the other scouts (inners and outers), and their all a team again. From the accident of her childhood---to the becoming of Mistress nine . I think she made it out ok ^__^ .
