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gender benders!

welcome to distant soldiers gender benders page. here you can find all of the gender benders in the outer senshi. there aren't that many out there, but hey. ok enjoy.

"Guy or that so important?" -Haruka. What comes to your mind when you hear the name "Tenoh Haruka"? Throughout the manga series, Haruka (Sailor Uranus)says many things about her gender (like the above quote). We're pretty convinced that Uranus is a female and most fans of her should know very well that she is lesbian/bisexual.

As you can see from the quotes below, Sailor Uranus was treated as a male (using he, guy, etc.). Uranus also sometimes referred to herself as a male. Also, when she's first introduced as Haruka (which could be a name for a guy or girl in Japan), the inner senshi see her as a male and Usagi and Minako even start to have a crush on her as a male (scary...). But even with her male qualitys, it is set it stone by her genetic code(heh) that she is infact a female.


"It's strange...he looks like a guy and a girl" -Usagi.
"Gender doesn't make a difference. Do you think just because you're a girl your always going to loose to a guy?" -Haruka
"I don't believe it! A Sailor Scout and Tuxedo Mask!?" -Luna(after seeing Neptune and Uranus's shadows.
"Sailor Uranus is both a girl and a guy. She has the strengths and the personalities of both genders." -Sailor Neptune


*Note: these are just our opinions and thoughts. please do not email any rants or complaints on this page, because as we said they are merely opinions and thoughts.*