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Welcome to the section in DS where we will provide images of the outer scouts in pairs, groups, and alone. Enjoy yourself!

. s i n g l e s .
Very pretty anime picture of Michiru. Goes with the Haruka one. Violin in the sea! Very pretty VERY pretty picture of Michiru with the Aqua Mirror This picture is lovely. I love her pose! A full body shot of Sailor Neptune A happy Hotaru An awesome picture of Sailor Saturn. She looks I love this pic. Saturn looks evil and purle! Full body shot of Sailor Saturn Full body shot of Hotaru Anime picture of Haruka, goes with Michiru one ( Haruka with a sword against her car. Anime pic with Haruka covered in blue ribbons Full body shot of Sailor Uranus Uranus with her Space Sword A nice picture of Sailor Pluto Setsuna in a dress drinkin wine! Setsuna on a stool. She's so cute! Full body shot of Sailor Pluto. I think it's pretty! Full body shot of Sailor Pluto, manga.

. g r o u p / c o u p l e s .

An image with 3 different pictures on it. It combines Anime and Manga, though. The outers looking happy. All aboard! The Outer Sailors! The outers looking so cool. The wedding dress picture. The outers in white dresses without Saturn. A picture from the anime. They look...happy The outers in their princess outfits with Chibi-Usa(...) A beautiful manga with Chibi-Usa...again.... Haruka and Michiru with a greenery background Haruka and Michiru in wedding dresses. Haruka and Michiru looking cool. Haruka and Michiru standing with faded pictures in the background. Sailor Neptune and Uranus with rose petals Haruka and Michiru laying down with roses.