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.: neptune and uranus :. .: destiny :.
.: a team of their own :.

Hello, and welcome to Distant Soldiers 'little' summary about Sailor Neptune and Uranus. Please enjoy our hard work into this.

Sailor Uranus and Neptune are truly a team of their own. Many people argue at the relationship between these two lovers saying that they're only "friends"....They are lesbians. Sailor Uranus and Neptune's very strong friendship has gone back since the Silver Millenium. They both guarded the outer universe from aliens and intruders. (Save our Sailors Campain (SOS) had other thoughts about their past. Saying that in the past Sailor Uranus was a boy, and fell in love with Sailor Neptune, and when they were reborn in the present, she turned into a girl. And even though she was a different gender, they still loved each other). It's all nonsense, Sailor Uranus and Neptune are lovers, and that's that. In the present, they're both introduced together, as their own team. They have the same mission, to find the talismans. Uranus would risk anything to get them, even her's or Neptune's life. Neptune on the other hand, would only risk her life, not Haruka's.

At the end of the third season, you see them and Pluto and Saturn going away to another place away from the Inner Scouts. When you see them again, in the middle of the fourth season (in anime, the last season)you see Haruka and Michiru together a lot, and many people think that they're married, due to they both have rings (which are actually the rings that they wore, to swear that they would raise Hotaru). In the next season (Sailor Moon Stars), They both fight together as usual, but near the end of the series, when all the scouts are dying from Galaxia, instead of that, they sell their souls to her, saying that "at least they could be together" but at the end of that, they end up dying (note: They are brought back to life and the last episode with the rest of the scouts). In the future, Cystal Tokyo, they are still together, guarding the outer universe from intruders. Through thousands of years, one thing still stayed the same. Their love for each other.