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Outers in Anime Rant

Outers in Anime Rant
by Hannah

I have seen the CWI and DiC episodes involving the outers and i was dissapointed. I knew that CWI would change Neptune and Uranus's relationship somehow to fit American T, but I was dissapointed in the results. CWI changed Neptune and Uranus's relationship from lovers to cousins. Why can't American television veiwers accept lesbians/homosexuals? And what made it even worse is that CWI tried to make thier dub close to the original Sailor Moon, and in doing so they left in the Neptune and Uranus lovey parts. What I am saying is that during the anime Neptune and Uranus talked to eachother like lesbians, acted like lesbians, but were cousins. That is just sick. I don't want to see two cousings holding hands and staring into eachothers eyes. I think CWI did a poor jop of handling the Neptune and Uranus relationship.

Second, I am dissapointed about Sailor Saturn. We only see her in about 1 episode (just Saturn, not Hotaru. Hotaru appears more that once!). I was expecting to see Sailor Saturn actually do something instead of just saying, "i will kill Pharoah 90" and walking into a big ball of darkness. It made me angry.

Third, there is the matter of names. Why couldn't they just keep the names Setsuna and Haruka and Michiru? They aren't that much of a mouthful. CWI kept Hotaru's name the same, even that is a mouthfull. Most of the Sailor Moon veiwers can pick up a japanese name after hearing it 20 times on the show.

Other than that, I am ok with the CWI dub. Not entirely, I'm just happy that I get to watch the outers on US television. Out for now.
