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"Pictures For Your Enjoyment"

Some of these pictures are of Frankies Fans.
Take a look around and see who's here!

Fans always loved to talk and be around Frankie
Here Frankie is walking through his Fans to the stage.

"Frankie singing his heart out!"

Frankie really puts on a show
Susan designed most all of his costumes.

You let me be Your Teddy Bear!

Frankie with a big fan "swizzle sticks" and her friend.

"Frankie at the CB Club"

Kris Smith sings with Frankie.
A young girl with a beautiful voice!

Frankie loves to sing to his fans.

Sweat after the show!

"Frankie's card"
Please DON'T call these numbers now!
We have no idea who they belong to now.


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