Jean Arquiza in Calamba, Laguna
Welcome to more of Gina's Personal Stuff. This is my Mum, Jean, who resides in Villa de Calamba in Laguna, Philippines. The pictures were taken in December 1999.
Gina Giron-Urquiola's Website
Jean Arquiza
Mum's cat, Miss Kitty Blue Eyes, and her house with the green facade.
Mum & Rex
My Website
Mum's tel no is (49) 2454477
Historical Calamba
Calamba is the birthplace of the Philippines' national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. The Calamba Church, taken by Mom, and an inset of the "banga" that features a map of Calamba.
Childhood Years-Gina & Sunny
Easter in Manila
Personal Stuff
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