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Kyle Burnam

Instrument: guitar, vocals, keyboard, drums

Other instruments: bass, drums, and everything else

Age: 16

Birthday: May 21, 1984

School: Peach County High

Hobbies/Other Interests: listening to some tunes (new school, hardcore, emo), playing my geetar, skate(boarding) with my bros from B-town, working, hot way cause girls are too complicated for me right now

Most uplifting moment w/ Grand Café: This awesome retreat at Rock Eagle, Altar call at RUMC (Sept. 25, 1999), and all night praise and worship

Favorite Grand Café songs: Hooked On a Feeling most definetly and Captain of A Shipwreck is fun to play....i also enjoy our praise stuff

Favorite songs by other bands: Begin to Start-MxPx, Stalemate stuff is tight, We've Only Begun-Cool Hand Luke, Various emo tunes-(Get Up Kids, Brandtson), Various hardcore-(Zao, Luti-kriss)

Favorite praise songs: Shout to the Lord, Every Move I Make, Light the Fire, Open the Eyes of My Heart

Favorite bands: MxPx, Stalemate, Zao, Brandtson, Cool Hand Luke, Luti-Kriss, Overcome, SOC, Get Up Kids are nice, and others

Biggest musical influences: new school punk rockers.....anybody who's wrote something that made me stop for a second and go "whoa....."

Equipment: Crate gx-212, Epiphone Standard Translucent Les Paul (our roadie’s), Dean electric that sounds supra sweet, Big Muff, Ibanez Phaser, Danelectro Cool Cat, Ant's Zoom 1010, Cry-Baby Wah Takamine EG-240, Shure Wireless

Equipment would like to have: PRS Custom 22 w/ dragon inlay, Gibson Les Paul Custom, Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier, Crybaby wah, MXR Phase, Fender Acoustasonic, Taylor Acoustic

Favorite Movie: The Matrix

Marital Status: girls are complicated

Favorite color skittle: yellow

Children: 2 ……… one day

Favorite Article of Clothing: Anything from the 70’s, tight shirts

Favorite player in the 1973 World Series: Tom Petty

Favorite Ernest movie: Ernest scared stoopid

Favorite book: hOokEd on foNiCs coLeCshuN

Testimony: I guess my testimony starts in the summer of ’98. That was really when I first met Christ. My family never really went to church, so I hadn’t had the chance. That year, I changed to a new school and was encouraged by my friends to come to church with them. Well, I started going to Byron UMC, and I heard a lot of things about God and heaven that I had been wondering about for a while; I just never had the courage to ask. As I learned more about Jesus, a hunger grew inside of me to learn more. I didn’t do anything about it though. At the time, I was in a relationship with a girl that took up a lot of my time. I cared about this girl more than anything. She was my world and in a way, my god. It took me over a year and a half to realize what I had done. It happened at Atlanta Fest ’99. God opened my eyes, and I realized that I needed to end the relationship. I wanted to focus entirely on God. When I got back home, I talked to her, and we separated. My desire to focus on the Lord has since grown and I have completely devoted my life to Him. He has blessed me with so much, and I can not express how grateful I am. I only hope that he may work through myself and this band to reach out to others in need of Him. <><

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