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We first got together to practice almost two years ago, January 19, 1998 to be exact. We called ourselves "Chalice" and had a chick in the band. That wasn't cool(nothing against girls or anything). I think we had about five people playing. We later totaled eight. That first night of practice was the first time a few of us had even picked up our instruments. We were terrible. We got in fights all the time. Eventually everyone quit. Anthony, Ross, and Richard stayed together and formed Grand Cafe. We got our name from the lunch room at our high school. Now we know that the name was truly a gift from God because it has so much meaning to it. It refers to God's heavenly banquet, which is the grandest of cafes. It also refers to life, with so many things to choose from along the way. Kind of like a giant buffet. Anyway, the three of us dug up another guitar player and kept "Chalice's" keyboard player. The keyboardist moved to California a few months later and the four of us continued on. In December of '98 we added Kyle Burnam as another guitarist. Our first guitarist played with us through February of '99, but it soon became evident that we were going to have to part ways with him in order to make our band a real ministry. It has been the other four of us (Richard Reams, Kyle Burnam, Ross Thomas, Anthony McPhail) that have continued with the band. The focus of this band as a whole has shifted completely to God as we have worked to eliminate anything that threatened our relationship with Him. He has blessed us in so many ways and we have completely and fully devoted ourselves to His will and spreading His word.