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Just a little recognition for the semi-memebers

Chris Andrews - guitar string changer and occasionally carries something

Brent Thomason - stays at our house sometimes

Clay Miller - Youth Pastor

Carey "mom" McPhail - the bandmom

Paul Miles - took some pics for us

Alexis Riedel - scanned some pics for us...and we love her also...eventhough she thinks we all hate each other...we aren't oasis yet.

Kelli Couey - took some pics for us...that and the fact she rocks

Anna Zimmerman - our other favorite groupie

Kristin Bryant - Anthony's #1 fan...check guestbook for proof

Craig Thomas - Lead tamborine (best in the world)

Karen Cleaveland - Sings w/ us sometimes

Tyler Versteeg - plays guitar/bass sometimes

Zach Benson - plays bass sometimes

Plus anybody we might have left out...sorry...let us know and will put you on here