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<Soups and Stews
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Soups and Stews

Georgia Gumbo

1/2 cup bacon drippings
1 large onion
1 quart okra
1 cip boiling
6 fresh tomatoes, peeled and sliced
Salt and pepper to taste

Into a heavy frying pan put grease; slice onion
quite thin and fry until light brown. Add other
ingredients. Care must be taken not to burn or
cook too much for this would ruin the entire
dish. Cook about one hour. Should be thick
enough to eat with a fork.

Brunswick Stew

2 lb. pork, beef, and chicken mixed
1 small can tomatoes
1 can corn (or package from freezer)
1 can tomato soup
1/2 cup pickle peach juice
2 large onions
garlic salt, salt and pepper to taste
1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
1 bottle chili sauce

Cook meats until tender, debone or seperate from
fat and cut up. Add all ingredients except corn
to large thick pot (crock pot is good for this).
Cook slowly for several hours, then add corn,
let simmer until done. When using crock pot
let it cook on low at least 6 hours.



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