Below are several links to some of my favorite pages on several different topics. I could put hundreds of links for each of these subjects but I found the best and put them up. Enjoy!

Demonology, Witchcraft and other studies

Gallery Of Demons - A pretty cool page on demons, but is currently down.

Compendium of Demons - A very complete and extensive list of Demons, the most complete I have found on the internet.

Home of Tezrian's Vault Demonolatry - This is really a demonolatry page, which is the worship of certain demons, but there is still a lot of information here for a person looking for information on demonology.

Demon Dictionary - Another good demon dictionary.

Demonology - A pretty good page, be sure to check out the names section, and if interested in angels check out the heavenly hierarchy section.

Catholic Encyclopedia - This is a little ok page on demonology, different cultures views on demonology are also here.

Demonology - A good overview of demonology, but not a lot of information.

Demonology - This is a pretty good little page, there isnt too much information here, but most of what is there was taken from older texts.

Rafal T. Prinke, demons - This page has a complete list of the demons in the Goetia, with some pictures.

The Seven Deadly Sins - A little page on the the seven sins and the demons connected with them.

Witchcraft - To me this is the best page on witchcraft I have found. Lots of information on the witch trials, torture, spells and other lore. Be sure to check out the dieties section.

Salem Witch Trials Chronology - A good website on the Salem Witch trials.


Classics in Magick - This page has the complete keys of Solomon, all three books on Abramelin the Mage, and several others, and you can download them with Acrobat Reader.

The Garden of Will - This is a pretty good site, lots of things about the Goetia.

Picatrix - This page has a few Grimiores, including the Lesser Key of Solomon and the Grimoire Vernum, although I do not think it is complete. Lots of information here.

Twilit Grotto - The people with this page have a CD with several grimoires however they are not free of course.

Grimoires - A little page on grimoires, not bad.

Philosophy: General

Guide to Philosophy - All the philosophy links you could ever want on just about everything connected with philosophy.

Philosophy since the Enlightenment - One of the best philosophy pages out there. A LOT of information.

Philosophy Pages - Another very large philosophy page, with a good dictionary of philosophical terms. Also there is a timeline of Philosophers with commentary on each.

Philosophy: Specific Philosophers

Descartes Meditations - A page of my favorite philosophers six meditations, really cool "out there" stuff.

Descartes - A good site with lots of information on Descartes.

Descartes: Mind And Body - A site on Descartes view of mind and body, and whether we truely have a body or not.

Descartes - A good site on Descartes summarizing his philosophies and with several links.

Spinzoa - This site has Spinzoas full work, the Ethics concerning the mind, God, human freedom and other topics.

Nietzsche - The best site I have found on Nietzsche. Very complete that explains many of his philosophies.

Pirate Nietzsche Page - A page like the one above I like because it has so many of Nietzsches works.

The Nietzsche Page at USC - An excellent page on Nietzsche resources on the internet .

Friedrich Nietzsche - A page with several Nietzsche links.

Plato - A very good site on Plato with commentary on the dialogues of Plato.

Heraclitos of Ephesos - A site with all of Heraclitos fragments.

Heraclitos - A site on Heraclitos that goes over some of his fragments.

Presocratic Fragments - This is an excellent site covering all the presocratic philosophers and their philosophies.

Philosophy: Specific Views

Solipsism - A very good essay contemplating Solipsism, or the belief that "I am the only mind which exists, everything is just part of MY conscious."

Dualism: The Mind-Brain Problem - An essay on the dualist view of mind and world connecting it with the concept that mind is just a side effect of the brain [which I do not agree with].

Quantum Reality - A little site with a view on reality, very interesting.

Baroque & Classical Music: Vivaldi, Bach & Paganini

Antonio Vivaldi Homepage - A great site on Vivaldi, my favorite composer. There is a biography, a CD list and CD reviews. Most of all there is a long list of links to other useful sites.

Antonio Vivaldi - A site showing all of Vivaldi's works.

Vivaldi - A pretty good site with pictures and somewhat of a biography.

Vivaldi - This page is part of a larger database for classical composers, but this page talks about Vivaldi's style and contribution to music.

The J. S. Bach Homepage - The largest page I have ever seen on a composer. There is a biography, portraits, CD Reviews and several links.

Daves J. S. Bach Page - An extensive and nice looking page on Bach with audio, recommended recordings and several beautiful images.

Bach Newsgroup - A newsgroup I can get here on AOL [it may be available to others also] be sure to check out their FAQ page about the music and life of Bach.

Nicolo Paganini Biography - A very nice and complete biography of Paganini.

Paganini Myths - An extensive page on several of the myths surrounding Paganini such as him having pacts with the devil and fingers that could span farther than most.

The Paganini Collective - An interesting page on Paganini.

Paganini - A very short biography on Paganini.

Baroque Music - A pretty good overview of Baroque music, there could be a little more on Vivaldi but there is plenty on Bach.

Literature: Edgar Allan Poe & H. P. Lovecraft

E. A. Poe Society - More or less the "Official" Poe site with extensive information on Poes life and works.

The Poe Decoder - A good Poe Site with several links and discussion of Poes works. Also there are some interpretations of his work here.

Qrisse's Edgar Allan Poe Page - A very good Poe site.

The Work Of Edgar Allan Poe - All of the works of Poe that are available on the web are here, for free.

A Poe Webliography - A long list of links to Poe sites.

The H. P. Lovecraft Archive - The Official H. P. Lovecraft site. Contains biography, rumors, criticism, several links and a list of works.

The H. P. Lovecraft Library - A nice site with pictures, a list of works, desktop wallpaper and some of Lovecrafts stories are here also.

Comparison of Poe and Lovecraft - A short essay by Robert Bloch on the similarities and differences of these two writers.

Urban Legends

AFU & Urban Legends Archive - A very impressive site on urban legends. The biggest site I have seen on urban legends, but not really the best organized.

Urban Legends Reference Pages - A very complete and well organized site on well known and many not so well known urban legends.

Urban Legends & Modern Myths - A very good urban legend page I just recently discovered.

Urban Legends And Folklore - A large list of urban legends that links you to another page with details on it.

Hoaxes And Urban Legends - Not a bad site with some short more common legends.

Vampires: Lore and Important People

Vampyres - A good site on vampire history, folklore and beliefs.

Vampire Facts - Another good site with a wide data base for researching the vampire and its history.

Vlad Dracula Biography - A short biography of Vlad the Impaler about his life.

The 16th Century Blood Countess - This is the best site I have found on Elizabeth Bathory and it talks about her life, atrocities and death.

Music Theory

Dansm's Acoustic Guitar Page - This is a really cool page and one of the first I would recommend to anyone getting into guitar or music in general, be sure to check out the links on scales and chords.

Gary Ewer's "Easy Music Theory" - This is a good page for people just getting into music, it goes over intervals, chords and music notation.

Beginner's Guide to Modal Harmony - I found this page to be helpful and informative on modes and how they were developed over time.

Classical Guitar Tablature - This page has many famous classical works for guitar in the form of tablature, a very good page.

Adult Music Theory Course Online - This page is very good and will provide a good foundation for anyone learning about music theory.

Music Theory Corner - Not a bad page, but this is for more advanced students of music. This page covers topics such as counterpoint, and how fugues and canons work, the primary focus being Bachs works and style.