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Hello and welcome, This part of my page is for the Children. Growing up I've  suffered abuse more vocal over anything else, it wasn't my family but others my age and those at school. I know the pain of being diffrent , from being over weight and shy to being a book worm and teachers pet. All of which just made me the enemy of everyone else, And all of the pain and hate I picked up from everyone almost forced me to harm myself of worse.. take my own life..
Also at times it almost made me just like them, But I am glad I stopped myself and was smart enough to remember something I heard while in church 'Treat others as you would like to be treated' I also remembered learning that we are all brother and sister, No matter our race or beliefs.. With those thoughts, I began to take the pain and abuse those children gave me and locked it inside, letting it eat at me for most of my life.
I thank God for being there for me during those days because looking back I see how weak and alone I truly was. Yet as a child growing up I was young I didn't know better.. No one really warned me then about this sorta thing.. and having my peers treat me so I began to think that something was truly wrong.  It didn't take long once I reached my late teens and early twenties for me to finally grow strong and catch on.. that nothing was wrong with me.
I only found this out, by talking with others who offten suffered depression and who still suffered these problems. Also those who sought to kill themselves, Helping them helped me.. and helped me see  I was special in my own right, If it hadn't been  for my family, as well as a few dear trust worthy friends who put up with me and talked to me also .. Without them those who were against me might have won the day.
But thankfully I am still here to help others who suffer, Living through this, and the pain of not fitting in of being hated .. its made me see things as they really are, and its made me want to make sure that no one else (if I've a say) suffers this way or any other way... I know I'm just one person in a large sea of them, but alas it has to start somewhere.. I've a love for children, I cherish them they are our future so this is for them, this page is in hopes of helping them.
We are nothing if we can not cherish our children as they are meant to be. I'll be updating this page as offten as I can, This is one cause I truly care about. Click on the sites below, and help out if you can.
I have shed many a tears for those in pain,
 Adopt your own angel, They all need someone to watch over them.
A Prayer For The Children
We pray for children
Who sneak popsicle before supper,
Who erase holes in math workbooks
Who can never find their shoes.
And we pray for those who stare at
photographers from behind barbed wire,
Who can't bound down the street in a new
pair of sneakers,
Who never "counted potatoes",
Who are born in places we wouldn't be caught dead,
Who never go to the circus,
Who live in an X-rated world.
We pray for children
Who bring us sticky kisses & fistfuls of dandelions
Who hug us in a hurry and forget their lunch money.
And we pray for those
Who never get dessert,
Who have no safety blanket to drag behind  them,
Who watch their parents watch them die,
Who can't find any bread to steal,
Who don't have any rooms to clean up,
Whose pictures aren't on anybody's  dresser,
Whose monsters are real.
We pray for children
Who spend all their allowance before Tuesday,
Who throw tantrums in the grocery store & pick at their food,
 Who like ghost stories,
Who shove dirty clothes under the bed and never rinse out the tub,
Who get visits from the tooth fairy,
Who don't like to be kissed in front of the carpool,
Who squirm in church or temple & scream  in the phone
whose tears we sometimes laugh at
and whose smiles can make us cry.
And we pray for those
Whose nightmares come in the daytime,
Who will eat anything,
Who have never seen a dentist,
Who aren't spoiled by anybody,
Who go to bed hungry and cry themselves to sleep,
Who live and move but have no being.
We pray for children
Who want to be carried and for those who must
For those we never give up on and
For those who don't get a second chance.
For those we smother.... and for those who
will grab the hand of anybody kind enough
to offer.
Author Unknown
Thank you Hugs for letting me borrow this from your page.