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Prince of darkness
Full of hate and spite
prince of night
how evil can you be
so full of darkness
you're blinded to the light

until the suns down you sleep the sleep of death
laying with- in a bed of wood
as twilight sets you being to stir
and when darkness blooms you rise into the night

alone you stalk
the streets at your beck and call
your hunger blights
all who cross your path
left dead at your feet

but there is one
with whom your darkness you would share
an angel you couldn't dare to bring to harm
someone your black heart seems to care for


Kiss her once..
and she shall cry..
she shall plead for mercy and the light

Kiss her twice
and she shall bleed..
addicted to your kiss
she would bleed for you day or night

But kiss her three times
she shall die with-in your arms
a devils bride

Prince of darkness
Full of hate and spite
prince of night
how evil can you be
so full of darkness
you're blinded to the light

How easily you could claim her
Pluck her from the streets
but there are those
stalking you day and night

They would see
you never kissed her lips

and so you wait
lying in the dark
a snake set to strike

their blood shall make you strong
away they shall fall
and so their shields shall fail

light doesn't always seem to win
you are proof
as you walk away
their church a flame
a testament of your marriage

you kissed her once
you kissed her twice
you kissed her three times

you're eternal bride

so full of evil
blinded to the light.

Jean Boree
