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Upon this bed of silk, you find things most dear to me. Here on a silken bed safely tucked away from harm are items given to me as gifts and a link to find things which I have created for others who are dear to me too.  I ask that you not take anything you find here, or at least ask me first or email the person (if their web page or email is included) to ask. All of it is very dear and cw to their owners - Thank you Jean 
To see web pages I've made for friends click Here .
Or scroll down to see things made / given to me!
This picture was made for me by a dear friend Myron.
Who was killed not long after giving me this in a car wreak.
He was hit on his way home christmas eve and passed away 1/2000.
My heart and thoughts are with him and his family. Please
don't drink and drive and please slow down out there people!
Enough lives have been stolen lets not risk anymore!
This is from my sis Mel, and why you ask? Well um I was able to help her out in a game called neopets. Click the thank you card to visit her page and click the banner below to visit neopets its an awesome game folks! :)
This was made and given to me by the net sisters web ring group.
Since I am still apart of it in heart. Even if I have had to remove my web
rings and quit the mailing lists due to lack of time to update with all the changes
going on and lack of mood to really change my page around a lot I will still show this off and happily claim to be a part of a group of very wonderful women!.
A gift of thanks to each of you for your gifts and for stopping by here as well as being the wonderful friends that you are.