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~* Love takes you places, The heart alone wants to go*~
love takes you places
the heart wants to go
can't make wonders in a world driven mad
where souls can't bind
but clash in fields wheres nothing can bloom
for its long since gone dry
where hate and pain plucked clear fields of green
and all the loveing tears splash alone on paths of cold crecret
Love takes you places
where the heart wants to go
can't start a fire in the heart of the night
when no spark is created in pass'n
in such a lonley world
where mothers can't handle burdens left upon their weary shoulders
and father's nolonger bother to try
and where even strangers feel the pain others would ignore
Love takes you places
the heart wants to go
can't expect wonders
in a world long deaf to a promise made ages ago
if only we'd look back and remember
Back to when an amazing grace filled us
where love once reign free
and true honor was known between one and all
Love takes you places
the heart wants to go
Can't expect it to ever bloom here
forgoten is the truth
and the wonders of joy
forgotten is the story of all times
when back long ago
when all souls were one.. happiness raigned surpem
and no pain was felt.
Once long ago each soul did part
to travel the world and become wiser..
before blending whole again with its soul mate
Love takes you places
where there heart wants to go
can't expect wonders,
Can't expect faith,
And can't expect wisdom in a world gone mad
where everythings ignore but lust and greed..
Where man has forshaken himself
And forgotten his father
who born him fourth.
Only to rule a moment in darkness's grace,
Forgotten them the glory of the light.
Can't expect love,
Until your eyes be clear and your heart and soul ;
Reach out beyond its mortal condfinments and see beyond the lies
and that which it has now created.
You can't expect love,
Till you try to love a little.
Jean Boree
May 25th 2000