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If I could
If I could
I'd give you air to breath.
A heart to feel,
And a mind to think.
If I could,
I'd walk on water,
Fight the demons
and kiss away your tears.
If I could
I'd stand and watch
Hear all your fears
Put them all to rest
If I could
I'd hold you nightly
Keep you safe away from harm
If I could
I'd paint the sky
I'd use your favorite color
And coat your bed in velvet
If I could
I'd fill the void
The emptiness left behind
If I could
I'd feed the hunger
Heal the wound
And coat your path with silks
If I could
I'd give you life
Eyes to see with
Ears to hear
Fingers to feel
If I could
I'd give back what was stolen
Erase the hate
Remove the pain
If I could
I'd bring peace to heartache
And hope to the hopeless
All this I'd do for you
My angel I mourn you
Jean 1999
For those so lost in the darkness, the pain and depression. If I could only do something to help you out. With this poem my friends I leave you something to read over and over again to know someone does care.. and wishes that there was something they could do to help you out.