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The Hall Of Remembrance
Throughout out all of our lives, We have friends and family come and go from our lives,
Here I'll give a place for those who've past through my life and that of my family. A place where they can be remembered, and rest in peace knowing they are love and missed. Upon these pages I'll leave a little note or simply a name, Along with many gifts to which is all I can give.. so perhaps they know that they all touched our hearts and souls with their lives, And without them we wouldn't be who we are today. In God we trust.. and in his loving hands we leave you to rest your weary head.
Kathy L Boree 
Born: 11-15-60 9 am  Died 6:30
An angel stolen way before her time, Who came to bless our family only to leave us soon after.  A sister I never knew, Or had the chance to know of until years after her loss, Here I'll leave my heart, with my love ..  A rose to mark her passing and a poem to show my love. I never got to know of her since she passed away long before my birth, But she'll always be with me.. and always in my heart.
Little Angel
We never got to hold you,
Or even see you smile,
We never got to hear you laugh,
Or know the woman you should have become,
You were born into this world,
A tiny troubled soul,
Your life for those short hours,
Was hard,
And tough.
We gladly let you rest,
Just to see your suffering end,
To God we gave you.
In his loving arms he took you up,
Keeping you safe,
And warm.
Holding on to your memory,
Keeping you close to our hearts.
We go on living,
Wishing you were here,
To share this life with us,
We know your happy right were you are.
Little angel..
But we can't help but miss you so.
Little angel how we love you,
God sent you here with a mission,
And that mission was to touch our lives,
We love and miss you so.
Little angel rest now..
Rest your tired weary soul..
And know your job is done,
And one day we'll see you again.
July 19 1999
Over the years, We've all missed family members, And loved ones which
we wish never had to be taken from us.. I've so many family members who've passed on.I couldn't list them all here.. So I'll mainly just post those who've personally touched my life if but for a sliver of a moment.
Claude .R. Odom (Grandfather)
Albert Odom (2nd Grandfather)
Curtis .E. Boree Born Sept 8 1903 Died August 23 1967
Allie Bama Lee McCall Wells
Died March 2 1994
(Great Grandmother)
These I've either met or have heard enough of.. To have had them touch my life,
They have also touched the lives of many family and none.
I've had the luck of not really losing any friends to death, At least not as of yet..
But I have lost one a dear friend whom I met on prodigy sometime back.
Without him I know I'd have long since gone insane, And have locked so
much pain inside which he helped me talk out.
Having his caring shoulder to rest upon, as well as a big heart to love a strange whom he never met.. I didn't learn of his passing until a year or so later upon a cold Christmas.. I guess God has plans for everything. He was lost in a car wreak,
A simple mistake ..takes the best of us.
Shawn (Wolfe/ Balinor) McCulley Died 1994
Arrroooww!! Miss you sweetie!
Myron Bacon
A dear friend whom I met online and had the honor of
knowing for a couple of years. Alas he was taken from this world by a driver who ran a red light on Christmas Eve, All in a hurry to get home quickly.. they made sure someone else didn't make it home.. How greedy and iersponceable is that? .. AND HEARTLESS! He later passed away the first few days in Jan 2000 . He'll be missed dearly!
R.I.P Myron..
Pool of Tears
Jean Boree
Has cried a Pool of Tears
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