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Another poem with two versions, The first is an updated one which I sort a added things to, the bottom is the first copy. I wrote this poem for my sister who was born before myself and my four brothers .. a sister who none of us ever got to know for she died a short time after birth. To here I offer this poem in remembrance of the Angel we had in our family for just a short time.  To you Kathy with love ..
~* Little Angel *~
We never got to hold you
Or even see you smile
We never got you hear you laugh
Or know the woman you should have become
You were born into this world
A tiny troubled soul
Your life for those short hours
Was hard
And though we gladly let you rest
Just to see your suffering end
To God we gave you
In his loving arms he took you up
Keeping you safe  and warm
Holding on to your memory
Keeping you close to our hearts
We go on living
Wishing you were here
To share this life wish us
We know your happy right were you are
Little Angel
God sent you here with a mission
And that mission was to touch our lives
We love and miss you so
Little Angel rest now
Rest your weary soul
And know your job is done
And one day we'll see you again
Close those troubled eyes
And know you touched our hearts and souls
And know we did not give up on you so very easily
The task was quiet hard to do
But your time was short
And forever shall we cherish the moments we had
With love Our Darling Little Angel
We dream of you forever now.
July 19 1999/Dec 1st 2000 (updated)
Little Angel
We never got to hold you
Or even see you smile
We never got to hear you laugh
Or know the woman you should have become
You were born into this world
A tiny troubled soul
Your life for those short hours
Wa hard and touch
We gladly let you rest
Just to see your suffering end
To God we gave you
In his loving arms he took you up
Keeping you safe and warm
Holding you close to our hearts
We go on living
Wishing you were here
To share this life with us
We know your happy right were you are
Little Angel
But we can't help but miss you so
Little Angel how we love you
God sent you here with a mission
And that mission was to touch our lives
We love and miss you so
Little Angel rest now
Rest your tired weary soul
And know your job is done
And one day we'll see you again
July 19th 1999