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 My Message

My names Jean even though  most call me Drifter, Ghostpoet , or Jean0 on line, please make yourself at home and enjoy your stay! 

I'm a 26 year old woman who makes her home somewhere deep in the warmed weather state of Ga.  My living right now is anything I can get my hands into, though I look forward one day to being a known writer and  poet. 

Um before I get to deeper into this I owe a big THANK YOU , to everyone whose helped me with the html thing and whose helped me get graphics for this page. Thanks!

Ok! now back to Jeanie business! I've been on line, gee I've lost count, um somewhere between eight to ten years now . Back when prodigy first brought live chat out and made you pay for it by the minute.. way back when before that pay per month or free internet thing came along. Scary huh? you shoulda seen my bills! *giggles* Now if you wish to know anything more about me you can email me or else down load mirc and hunt me up on where you can find me at #!writersbar  #wintercrest*inn or #!riverview . The first is my writers channel and the other two are role playing channels and you are most welcome to any of them.. 
 Jean / GhostPoet

Things I like..

Flowers (Peach, Orange, blue  & Lavender Rule)
Teddy Bears
 Friends (The truer the better)
Spending time outside
Wandering the world (a dream)
Life (A cherished object:)

 Rose petals upon the wind,
Rain drops upon skin.
Tender words whispered in the night,
And the brush of a lovers hand.
Friendship through trails,
And trust beyond all doubt.
Love with out judgment,
And fear.
These are a few of my favorite things. :O)