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~* For The Missing *~
You may think you're forgotten
Far from our minds
But from the first day
We learned of you
Till today
We've not stopped thinking of you
Or loving you
You think yourself unneeded and unwanted
When we can't go on living without you
Day by day
We wonder and fear
Are you alive?
Or has someone stolen you for good?
Does God hold you close?
Or will you come home?
You may think you're forgotten
But your not
We light a candle in the window
To guide you home daily
And pray that God keeps you safe
You think its for the best
That someone else can fill your place
But no one can
You are one of a kind
We can't go on living without knowing
Each time the phone rings
We feel ever fear
And ever hope
Wont you just please come home?
July 11th 1999
For: The missing, Please let someone know your ok.
These candles have been lit, for those who are missing. I pray you all find your way home soon.