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~* Mistress of the twilight *~
She walks
At the bewitching hour.
Seeking treasures for her cove.
Eye of newt,
And a bit of bats wing.
The fog her cover,
The shadows her dress.
She sways into the night upon the midnight air.
Followed by her howling wolf,
Her protector in life and death,
And he ,
Her shadow...
Her lover..
Hides within ,
A beast that howls within the night.
The moon..
And the light of her heart all that rules him.
He haunts the night,
Stalking his prey.
Howling at the moon.
When dawn comes he is her gentle lover,
Her husband;
Her mate,
And once more when night falls,
And the moons spidery webs fall across the windows seal.
He howls to his brethren,
And lets his blood run wild.
Together they are one;
Forbidden by fate.
Brought together by love.
She is the mistress of twilight,
Goddess of the moon...
And the midnight hour.
August 2 1999
On Dec 1st 2000 I sort of  updated this poem, adding to it the last three lines. (She is mistress of twilight, etc.. I welcome any comments as to what you think. Please email me at  and let me know what you think. Should I keep it as is? or remove those lines? :O)