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This poem was written for my soul mate, Even if I've met him or not. I thought this poem sweet to have out there. One never knows of course when they'll meet their soul mate so heres to hope and true love. Theres two versions of this poem , I welcome comments and votes on which you like best! Email Me
~* Prince *~
Goodnight my sweet prince,
Though I can not be there to touch you,
To tuck you in,
Or kiss your brow,
I am with you in spirit,
And in heart,
My love,
My prince,
What we have togeather has joined us as one,
Close your eyes,
Though you drift into a world far from my own,
I shall meet you there soon,
By way of the stars,
Of dreams,
And hopes,
Cling to our love sweet prince,
For soon our lips shall brush,
And I shall hold you at last.
May 29 1999
~* My Prince *~
Goodnight my sweet prince,
Though I can not be there to touch you,
To tuck you in,
Or kiss your brow,
I am with you in spirit,
And in heart,
My love,
Though I can not be there to wipe away your tears,
To draw you close and feel my heart beat with yours.
I am there in spirit and in heart.
With you in your dreams.
My prince,
What we have togeather has joined us as one,
Close your eyes,
Feel my lips to yours.
My gentle hand caressing your cheek in the night.
Though you drift into a world far from my own,
I shall meet you there soon,
By way of the stars,
Of dreams,
And hopes,
Cling to our love sweet prince,
For soon our lips shall brush,
And I shall hold you forever more.
Nov 29 2000