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A flower, Made of tender velvet. Bound in shades of rainbow. With the power to say, I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, and good-bye. What is a rose if not an image of a soul who died for us. Perfection , outshining all the others within the field..
J-B 7/28/01
Would a rose by any other name smell as sweet?
- Romeo & Juliet
- William Shakespeare
Welcome to my garden, Here you'll find a garden of mainly roses, but  a few other flowers have strayed here into my gardens .. I can't make myself remove them either I happen to just love them. I hope you'll enjoy them just as much as I do. May they bring you sunshine when your day is clouded, and when you think your life is to busy, pause and smell the flowers.

To  Visit The Rose Garden
To Visit The Lilies
To Visit The Water Garden


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