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Ah Here we go again, Another poem with two versions.. one much newer and a bit different from the other... I welcome your replies and comments on this one please vote and let me know folks what you think of this one too! Email me At
Another Sunday Morning
I hear the birds sweet melody
See the sun rise
And grace the sky
I watch the flowers bloom
I smell their sweet perfume upon the gentle breeze
As the mornings dew slowly dries
I watch life awaken from its nightly slumber
I see vibrant purples and blues
Gold's and yellows
I see the green green grass grow
And wonder do you linger in bed?
Or see and hear the same sights as me?
Is it still dark?
Or has light broken into your domain
What colors are your eyes?
Blue like the sky? Or green like the grass?
And your hair
Like midnight ? or a reminder of your golden halo?
Do you wonder of me?
As I do of you?
Does your heart swell
As you day dream of me?
Will there be a tomorrow in your arms?
Or will all we have be dreams?
Do you even stop to wonder?
Or just go on about your day
Will we share a moment to watch the sun go down?
Or simply be as one?
Do you live just next door?
Or way across town?
Will one day we meet?
If we've not already
And will it be for good?
A forever lasting love?
Full of sundays on the porch day dreaming in each others arms?
July 11th 1999
~* Another Sunday Morning *~
I pause to hear the birds sweet melody
To see the sun rise in its vibrant gold's
yellows and pale lavenders.
The mornings dew is still damp upon my feet
As I watch life slowly awaken from its nightly slumber
The flowers bloom seeking the sun's loving kiss
Uncurling as if awaking themselves
Slowly the darkness fades
And the morning air is rich with the scent of life
The sounds of it fills my ears
I find a smile upon my lips
Where it came from I know not
Its just another sunday morning
In a world of sunday mornings
Another wonderful day no matter what may come
And as I wonder inside
I think of you
All my friends
Wonder if you too watched this glory unfold
Take part as you were meant to
(Or are you all lazy like I really am?:)
Oct. 17th 1999