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His Final Letter

Here I stand
Let it be known what I would give
To see yiour smile again
Surrounded by friend and foe killed upon this bloodied battle field
Laid to waste
The visions I have seen
Chill me to the very core
Yet among the chaos
And the evil that haunts my very soul
My greatest wish is to see your face again
Of the men I've sent to battle
It is the haunting memory of of your kiss I wish to linger with.
At twilight
Before the night bells toll
I kiss the lock of hair
Stolen while you slept
Peaceful in a land of dreams
So far away from this nightmare I have created
What a monster you must think of me
The faces I have seen
The lives that I have slain
And the tales that I could tell
 Oh bloved of mine
My soul I have sold
Just to leave this field of gore
And see you once again
What  price I would pay
To kiss your lips
To hold your hand
To simply lay intwined
Oh angel of mine
Do you think of me with the same passion I hold for you
My movements slowed
Tired these eyes have become
So much that  I noticed not the sword to chest that I have taken
In a rain soaked field
Where barely grew
I rest my head
My brothers near
But I see not
And hear not of them
For I see you walking near
No devil they have sent for me
But my angel
With whose kiss
I close my eyes

By: J . m..B
June 04-05 2002
