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Whispers In The Wind
Like whispered sighs
Life swirls all around me
Dancing to its own thundering heart beat
To its own vocal cries
Everywhere I look
I see it
In the eyes of the children
In the hands of the elderly
In the sky with the passing cloud
To the ground as the seedlings pushing their way through the earth
Everywhere I look
Everywhere I go
Whispering in my ear to dry my tears
To put behind me the past
And all the pain I feel
To let go of the suffering
And put my trust in it
To fall forward into its waiting arms
To become one with its pulse
To add my voice with the others
To become on voice
One life
One soul
It calls to me
To dance to its whispers
To its music
The sound of its heart beat echoes in my ear
My own heart is one
Beating with its drum
To feel the breeze
Like the touch of a lover through my hair
Its whispers
Sighing for me to open my eyes and see its ageless beauty
To forget all I thought I knew
And learn all there was to know
Like whispers their voices rise
Becoming one
One cry
One voice calling to me
Tempting me over the edge
To fall into the warm ocean of tears below
Each drop cried for you and me
From that which was offered for us
And to begin anew
Like all other life
Rising from the earth
Gently pushing away the dirt to feel the first rays of the sun
Kiss us as we awaken once more from our slumber
It calls to me
To put aside this so called life
And truly let myself awaken
To live again
Oct. 17th 1999
Due to a comp crash and a loss of files. I'm not sure who gave me this background. I think it was a net sister named Christina (Sister Kisser) .. but I wish to give my thanks to whoever it was.. I cherish it still *G*