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My Awards!!

I am so happy and honored to have won each and every one of these awards! And thank you all..

Thank you, Sharron!

"Here you go Sue. Enjoy!! Love, Sharron"

Thank you, Kenneth!

"Congratulations! You have just won SHAVS GOLD AWARD!"

I received this award September21, i999. Thank you very much, Brian!

"You've done a terrific and beautiful job on it (your site). You have great cat gifs and stuff. Display my award with honor for which you have earned it. Congradulations and keep up the great work. I'll be sure to visit your site again to see what's new."

I received this September 22, 1999. Thank you very much, Barbara!

"I took a look at your site and loved it!! I love cats. Congratulations on your very nice Hmepage!! I enjoyed it. Webhugs, Barb."

Thank you, Bridey for this award, which was given to me on September 22,1999!

"Congratulations Sue! You have a wonderful site."

On September 23, 1999 I received this award. Thanks very much, Gina!

"I've looked over your page and found it to be very beautiful and unique! You've done an excellent job"

On September 24,i999 I received this award. Thanks alot, Ron!!

"Congrat's My panel of Smurf judges totally agree that you should recieve this award.And hey who would argue with a Smurf? LOL I enjoyed your site."

I received this award on September 25, 1999. Thank you so much Sam!

"Great site, lotta hard work were put into these pages, and it shows.Terrific job!!!!"

On October 17, 1999 I received this award. Thank you, Robin!

"Well you have done a great job!!! And cats are my FAV!!! Here is your well deserved award."

This award was given to me on January 4, 2000. Thank you, Linda!

"From me to you..."

This award was given to me on January 26 2000. Thank you very much, Diana!

"Here is the award for your gorgeous page..."

Thank you, Sharon for giving me ths on May 1, 2000!

"Here you go....You certainly deserve it.Thank you so much for all your help..."


This is a special friendship award that my friend, Jack gave to me on December 19, i999. Thank you, bud!!

I received this award on January 1, 2000. Thank you, Linda!

I got this one March 1, 2000. Thank you, Sharon! (Love you back!)

Thank you, Cathy!...April 1, 2000

Thank you Sharon (Ice Dream)! I got this on May 2, 2000

Thank you Linda, for giving me this in May, 2002!



Other Pages:

{Animated Cat Gifs} {Big Cats, Cat Eyes, Lines} {Animated Cat Gifs II} {Non-Animated Cat Gifs} {Cat Backgrounds} {Animated Cat Gifs III} {Non-Animated Cat Gifs II} {Animated Cat Gifs IV} {Big Cats II (Animated)} {Animated Cat Gifs V} {Animated Bird Gifs}

{Non-Animated Bird Gifs} {Bird Lines & Backgrounds} {Animated Dog Gifs} {Non-Ani.Dog Gifs/Background/Lines} {Animated Fish Gifs} {Fish Backgrounds & Lines} {Midis Page!} {Fun Stuff!} {Awards I've Won!} {Win My Award!} {Some Great LINKS!} {Add Your Banner or Link!}