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You are listening to "Bird Dog"
barking dog wav

Dog Gifs

2 dogs in love

cute dog

dog running on treadmill

man walking dog

hound dog

cute dog playing with ball


"How's your day?"puppy

dog & his bowl

'perfect playmates", 2 adorable puppies

little blue dog

dog w/very big bone

dog on rug

little puppy, wagging tail

crying dog

dog, sniffing

dog w/doghouse

puppy chasing ball

hand patting dog

odie (garfield's pal)

Spuds Mckensie

little brown dog

dog chasing insect

dog, hopping along

"email" dog

dog looks back & forth

cute little dog wags tail


dalmation puppy

2 dalmations

dalmation chasing ball

white spotted dog

strange dog w/rabbit

yellow dog, running

dreaming dog

"Hi" dog

dog flashing diffrent colors

excited dog

dog barking

little dog chases ball

sleeping St. Bernard

dog 'circle'

sweet little puppy

dog digging a hole

another dog barking

and another dog barking

dog drinking bowl of milk

brown dog w/white paws

"flashing" different dogs

dog taking a bath

dog taking a bubble bath

another little brown dog

3-D dog head

dog holding a sign

small snoopy

snoopy w/Linus

dog head pops up

puppy in a gift box

dog & fire hydrant

cute little puppy

little puppy wagging tail

white poodle

"email" poodle

this dog is mean!

"westie" terrior

dogs, hugging

white dog, walking

dog on treadmill<

snoopy, dancing

toy dog w/moving head

dog wearing hat

"just me lookin in on ya" dog

cute dog w/blinking eyes

brown dog w/blinking eyes

dog w/teaset

dog lifting his foot

rear view of bulldog

dog laying down

puppy in laundry basket

dog w/hot peppers

{*This is how to get the gif if you have webtv: click on a gif -while veiwing, push "options"button, push "go to", choose "show last".This is what you type in your email. or web page. PC users can upload, or transload.}



Other Pages:

{Animated Cat Gifs} {Big Cats, Cat Eyes, Lines} {Animated Cat Gifs II} {Non-Animated Cat Gifs} {Cat Backgrounds} {Animated Cat Gifs III} {Non-Animated Cat Gifs II} {Animated Cat Gifs IV} {Big Cats II (Animated)} {Animated Cat Gifs V} {Animated Bird Gifs}

{Non-Animated Bird Gifs} {Bird Lines & Backgrounds} {Animated Dog Gifs} {Non-Ani.DogGifs/Background/Lines} {Animated Fish Gifs} {Fish Backgrounds & Lines} {Midis Page!} {Fun Stuff!} {Awards I've Won!} {Win My Award! {Some Great LINKS!} {Add Your Banner or Link}