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[PAGE 16]

You are listening to "Bird Dog"

Non-Animated Dog Gifs

pretty poodle

another pretty poodle

dog balancing ball on head


puppy in playful pose

golden cocker spaniel (head)

"I'll grow on you" puppy

"Got an iron?" cute wrinkled baby & dog

dog wearing wig & glasses

black puppy w/brown paws

dog in pick up truck

dog, pointing

cute dog wearing sneakers & hat

3 puppies in a basket

dog in cage

little dog n Christmas outfit

sitting golden retriever

"Taco Bell" dog

spotted horse & dog, together

"So happy you're my friend", puppies

white german shephard

basset hound

bag of dog food

bowl of dog food

"Don't Touch My Webtv", dog

"Happy Birthday" dog

"killer" chihuahua

puppy with boy & girl

catoon-type dog, begging

Scooby Doo

mom dog w/pups

dogs using computer (funny!)


dog "home" button"

dog house

another dog house

golden retreiver puppy

Dog Backgrounds

akita background

doghousesgirl w/dog

dog bones

grey etched background

different dogs on violet background

english sheepdogs


german shephard border

basset hound

Dog Lines

very long dog

white dog w/ball (animated)

{*This is how to get the image if you have webtv: click on the image--while veiwing, push"options" button, push "go to", choose "show last". This is what you type in your email or web page. PC users can upload, or transload.}



Other Pages:

{Animated Cat Gifs} {Big Cats, Cat Eyes, Lines} {Animated Cat Gifs II} {Non-Animated Cat Gifs} {Cat Backgrounds} {Animated Cat Gifs III} {Non-Animated Cat Gifs II} {Animated Cat Gifs IV} {Big Cats II (Animated)} {Animated Cat Gifs V} {Animated Bird Gifs}

{Non-Animated Bird Gifs} {Bird Lines & Backgrounds} {Animated Dog Gifs} {Non-Ani.DogGifs/Background/Lines} {Animated Fish Gifs} {Fish Backgrounds & Lines} {Midis Page!} {Fun Stuff!} {Awards I've Won!} {Win My Award! {Some Great LINKS!} {Add Your Banner or Link!}