Work in Progress

Yeah, it's finished. Done, done, done. If anyone is still following this, please let me know what you think at
Part 1 Part 2
Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6
Part 7Part 8
Part 9Part 10
The whole thing in one big file
Title: No Angel Came
Author: Lydx
Distribution: Ephemeral, Gossamer etc. Sure. Anywhere else is okay too as long as my name stays attached and you mail me at to let me know.
Classification: WIP!
Rating: R for violence and a couple of swear words
Keywords: Angst / ScullyTorture/MulderAngst/KrycekAngst
Spoilers: through season 7
Summary: originally inspired by a challenge on
Feedback: is food for the soul, so please take a moment to tell me what you think
Disclaimer: They're not mine, duh. They belong to CC, the creator and most especially to GA and DD and the rest of the crew who breathe life into them.

Heartfelt thanks to Julie, for volunteering to beta read, for gentle nudges and for lots of comma's in all the right places.
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