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Basketball Products!

NAME- Otto
TITLE- President of Mazel
COMPANY- Mazel Inc.
ADDRESS- No secrets given out!
CITY/STATE- Woodstock, GA
PHONE1- Not listed
PHONE2- Not listed
FAX- Nope

The basketball products are due to be released around June 30. High expectations have been poured onto the products, yet no one has seen them. You are probably thinkink, "why hasn't anyone seen them?" well the answer is this, Mazel has invented a totally new style, totally new shoes, new everything, we didn't want our ideas stolen and produced carelessly and not very good. So we have kept production on the DL and we are about to release the basketball products. If you want to become a member, you could get the inside scoop, but you have to contact Otto first. The basketball aspect of Mazel is only temporary, because Mazel will soon becoming an all-sport company.