~*The Way Things Were Before*~ Author: Chelsea Smith or Spooky861@aol.com Title: The Way Things Were Before Rating: PG Classification: Post-Ep (Requiem), MSR Thanks to: Kim, without whom this fic would never have been finished! Also to Desiree, as always, for beta-ing everytime I added something new (I'm sure it got old reading the fic over and over), to Holly for the *great* beta work, to Adela, and to RhiaRamsay for the great suggestions given. :) Author's Note: I wrote this a long while back, or started writing it, and it's only just finished. What bad timing. Oh, well -- please read and review! Feedback: PLEASE! ~*~*~*~*~ Scully's POV ~*~*~*~*~ It's been three years since Mulder was taken. Three years since I've done anything but search for him. My life these past years has been dedicated to finding him. I've done little other than care for my only child and search. I've spent long nights alone in crummy hotels. So alone. I've dragged myself along with the solitary hope of bringing him home. But I haven't. No matter how hard I've tried, how long I've searched, and how strongly I've prayed…. I haven't been able to bring him back to our child and me. And now, three years later, I've decided it's time to stop trying. I glance to my right to look into the eyes of my boss and my friend. He returns my sorrowful gaze and nods. I lower the flowers I've been holding to rest before his tombstone. My mind traces over the words engraved there, though they are already ingrained deeply in my soul. Three men, each as different as night and day, stand to my left. As my eyes seek them out, their gazes turn to the ground. They think it is too soon. My mother stands behind my holding my baby boy. My baby. He needs a father. I have not been able to bring myself to find a replacement. Because that's exactly what he would be … a replacement. And no one could ever replace you. Each man I've met over these last three years I've compared and contrasted with you. I've scrutinized their every move, their style, and their opinions. And the only phrase I've managed to come up with to describe each of these men is, "he's not Mulder." But now, I need to get past that. If not for myself, then for our child. Since I met you, I've never truly been satisfied with another man. I've never seen myself with anyone else. I never will. But no marriages ever are perfect. I can survive. I'm sorry Mulder. I'll miss you … everyday. But I need to try to move on. I'm sorry. I turn and nod to my mother. It's time to leave. She grasps my wrist with her free hand and leads me away. Slowly, the four others that belong to our small, dreary procession follow. A choking sensation tells me that this is it. This is the end. When I am buried years from now, it won't be beside that grave I just left. He will be Mulder, but I will still be Scully. The tears I've kept at bay until now are starting to slip out of my control. Burning drops of misery trail down my face, leaving behind glistening scars. My mother tries to comfort me, but I wave her away. I can't do this anymore. I've spent too many tears already. I need to escape this. I can't think about it anymore. I stop. I look back to the stone that slices through and raises above the earth. 'Beloved Friend, Brother, and Father.' "Goodbye, Mulder." I wipe the tears from my eyes. I turn quickly around, and walk swiftly away, afraid that if I don't get out of there soon, I'll never let go. So I head resolutely for the car, and away from Mulder. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Three Months Later ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ ~*~*~*~*~ Mulder's POV ~*~*~*~*~ I see white. Blinding white light. Poking ... prodding ... always touching. There's pain ... so I cry out. For help. For relief No one comes I can feel myself moving, now. The light is gone. I'm plunged into darkness I'm falling ... Down ... ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ I can hear them around me, but I don't know what's happening. An odd rustling sound reaches my ears. There's someone moving around me. I pry my eyes open. He seems startled by that. He is a man. A human. My eyes widen. I need to get out of here, he needs to help me. I try to get up, to go to him, I'm thrashing around on ground, but I can't get to him. And now he's running away. Come back! I want to call out. But I can't, I feel frozen in place. My mouth can't form the right sounds. I need to get up! I command my arms to move, push me up -- get me out of here! I can't. It's always the same. I can't. My limbs go slack. I wait. Wait for them to come back, take me back to the place. I squeeze my eyes shut, clamping back the rush of fear that always comes when the thought of their tests. And they'll take me back. And I'm powerless to stop it. I tried at first. A waste of energy. Now when they toy with me, all I can do is lie there. Just lie there. I've become ashamed of myself. I'm useless to myself. All I can do is take whatever they give me. Scully would be ashamed of me, too. I tighten my fist around my last link to the world I once knew, the woman I miss so much. A fresh wave of tears wells up inside me. But I won't let it out. It's my last way to fight back. They can test me, poke me, slice me open on their tables -- but I won't give them the satisfaction of letting them know it hurts. --Noises- They're coming back for me. NO! But I … I can't say it. I close my eyes tightly, holding onto memories, wishing I wasn't here. Wishing I had someone with me to comfort me. I'm so alone when they take me. I can't stand to be me anymore. I can't stand my own skin. I just want to feel safe. I just want things back to the way they used to be. I want … something other than this. I've grown so used to hiding my feelings from them, I don't know if I can feel anymore. I feel empty. I just want to feel again. But that wish is lost. They're hoisting me up now, carrying me away, taking me back to their ship, back to their rooms filled with a lot of nothing, back to their cold metal tables. Voices. I can hear them all, jumbling in my mind. There are always too many voices. But are these in my head? Or around me? I can't tell anymore. And there are too many to try. "God, what happened to this guy? He looks like a pin cushion!" I'm being loaded into something, they are preparing to take me back. My eye is pried open, and a light shines into it. I try to squirm away, escape their experiments. I can't. "Pupils are dilated and fixed." I feel a tiny prick on my wrist. No, not again. "Okay, we're going to need a core temp, the guy who found him says he probably been out in those woods overnight." I just want to be left alone. They know I want them to leave me alone, they can hear me, but they never listen. They never care. Bastards. "Hey, Ted … you've gotta help me here, stubborn SOB has his hand clenched into a fist like steel. He's hurting himself, he's cutting himself with his own nails." "So unclench his fist." "I can't, Ted. You've got to help me. He won't let go." NO! They're trying to take Scully away from me. Bastards! Let me go! I won't let them take her away from me. I struggle. But I can't escape them. I can never escape them. And now they're taking her away. My only hope. For the first time since they've had me, the tears begin to flow from me. Without Scully, what is left? As the man's fingers were finally pulled apart, the EMT looked up in surprise to see a tiny gold cross on a sparkling chain, now slick with the man's blood, fall from his patient's stiff fingers. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~     Life had been cruel to Dana Scully. It had stolen from her, little by little, her happiness, her wonder at the world, and her innocence. What it had left behind was a grim determination to keep out the rest of the world, and a disdain for those who remained loyal to the idea that with love there would come a happy ending. Dana Scully's happy ending had, she felt, been snatched away from her before she'd even been able to enjoy it's beginning. Over her years, dreams had formed. They'd begun as rough outlines, before shaping and forming. For years they'd remained distant outlines on the horizon. But eventually, she found that her dreams were just a foot away, and all she'd have to do, is reach out and touch them when she felt it was the time to do so. And when that time did come, she found that when she reached out ... her hands caught but air. And so a reconstruction period ensued. And she built back up the wall around her heart that it had taken so many years to knock down. But life went on. And there was never a moment she hesitated to stop it's continuation. Because if you asked her, she'd tell you that yes, her life was good. She had a healthy child. She had her own health. She had a loving family. The past was gone, and she knew better than anyone that she would never be able to get it back. There were no regrets. So she pushed forward day after day, waging a constant battle to keep going. Chin up. Head held high. Just keep going. So now only two factors in her life remained truly important to her. These two elements were the very foundation of her existence. She thrived on them. They were what held her up and kept her struggling onward, even if she did not realize it. There was her job, and most importantly, her child, Joshua. Her work provided her with a consistency, something she could easily lose herself in and be aware only of facts and absoluteness. Her small son was her saving grace. He gave her the unconditional love that she subconsciously craved, as well as the chance to love in return. He gave her the chance to feel. That's what it came down to. Life had hardened her, and at times she thought that perhaps she was only the husk of a human being, switch onto autopilot, merely existing. But she loved her son with unbreakable intensity. For Joshua there was fear for his safety, hope for his future, there were a million emotions that just seeing him brought her. So that at times she felt so full that she'd burst, and let the emotions leak out of her in teardrops. This was an experience that tore her in two directions. There was relief at *feeling* something, but there was also anger at having allowed herself to lose control. After the bumps and turns in her life, she felt now that control was something she desperately needed. These two thoughts, relief and anger, confused and upset her further, and once the tears started they were difficult to stop. These staples combined to form one giant escapism for her. So the transitional period that took place in her car on her way home from work to Joshua was difficult. Her mind would wander, and though she tried to prevent it, she could not escape memories of her life before. It was always a relief to find herself again pulling up in front of the house she now lived in. She had eventually decided that the apartment in Georgetown would not accommodate her needs as a mother. She walked briskly to the door, the clicking of her heels on the pavement the only sound that cut through the cold autumn air. She was about to knock on the door when it was flung open to reveal the flushed, sweaty faces of Dean and her Joshua. A smile spread across her face at the site of them. Josh was looking as though he'd just had the time of his life. It was obvious that there had been some serious horseplay going on. Joshua wiggled out of Dean's arms and ran to Dana, wrapping his arms around her legs. He wiggled his fingers on her calves, laughing hysterically and calling out "Tickle, tickle mommy!" Dean watched, leaning against the door jamb, his blue eyes twinkling and a small smile playing upon his lips. Dean Evans was a rather short man (though still taller than herself) with wavy blonde hair and a full, happy face. Dean was a guidance counselor at the elementary school where Josh went to preschool. They'd met at a parent's night. He was fabulous with children and Joshua adored him. This was a large part of the reason Dana loved him so much. In truth, he was not so much what Dana needed in her life, but what Joshua needed. Her life with Dean sometimes seemed almost hopelessly mundane. It was not the exciting life she'd had before. But at this point in her life, building a family was her prime concern. She often longed for something more, though she wasn't always quite sure what it was that was missing. Still, in her relationship with Dean there was a gap that had always been fill during her time with Mulder. They'd been seeing each other for about a year, and Dean had moved in with her just three months ago. "Don't be fooled by that innocent little face, Dana. That little guy is merciless in the art of tickling." She laughed, scooping the child into her arms to deliver a quick kiss on his forehead. "Just imagine what the two of us could accomplish together."  She tossed him a grin and began to whisper conspiratorially into Josh's ear. Dean tried to hide his laughter and look suitably puzzled as a sneaky grin spread across his face. Dana lowered Joshua to the ground, and he hurried over to Dean, raising his arms so that he would bend to pick him up. But before he could, Josh threw his arms around Dean's neck and began tickling him ferociously. Soon, however, he found himself hanging upside down and being carried into the living room, as Dean laughed with a feigned villainy. Dana couldn't help but laugh as she watched them, maniacal giggles escaping Josh. She headed into the study and set her briefcase on the table, then, shrugging off her jacket, she headed for the living room to join the battle. But she was interrupted by the ringing of her telephone. "Hello?" "Hello, is this ... Dana Scully?" "This is she." "This is Dr. Raban at Bethesda Medical. One Fox William Mulder has just been brought in." That was as much as she heard. As Scully stood alone in her kitchen, unaware of her surroundings, the life she'd so carefully built over the years spun before her eyes. All of the self-preserving lies she'd told herself crashed down around her. ~*~ When she at last found herself outside of Mulder's hospital room, she became trapped in an unwillingness to enter. What ifs, how's, and why's crisscrossed and spun restlessly through her mind. *Mulder* was inside of the room she herself was about to enter. Fox William Mulder, partner and friend of seven years. She felt then that perhaps the reunion that was about to take place would be happening in a parallel universe; that she was not, in fact, Dana Katherine Scully, but a mere stranger to this world. A stranger who was being allowed to oversee. So bearing that in mind, and feeding off of the confidence the thought provided, she very quietly pushed open the door, and stood within the confines of the shadows. The sheer shock of seeing *him* there, of knowing that they were on the same planet, and in the same room, *together* was enough to stifle any sound she may have otherwise tried to force out. So she remained silent. And for a few minutes, she only watched. His face was turned and he stared out of the windows. She realized then, with a pang of sorrow and loss, that the man before her was watching a world that must now seem foreign to him. His face was a pale and ghastly white that seemed to glow with a soft eldritch light cast into the room from the streetlights and a gibbous moon. The shock of deep brown hair that looked black in the shadowed room, coupled with dark eyes, made his chalk white face stand out even more. The shadows strewn about him made him look ominous in the moonlight. She was suddenly made aware of the fact that she was shaking. His thin, gaunt face looked lifeless. The eyes that once held so much depth and feeling, wonder, excitement, mischief ... seemed dead. His expressionlessness made him appear the very thing she so often thought herself to be: the shell of a person. He seemed hollow, empty, and for the first time in her life -- she could not begin to guess what thoughts might have been lurking in his mind. She took another step toward him, and put her foot down firmly, with a numb sort of courage that she didn't truly feel. The heel of her shoe slapped against the tile of the floor, causing a noise doubled by the palpable silence of the room. So she knew he must have heard her. But still, he did not turn around. "Mulder ... " her hoarse whisper tore through the quiet of the room. Slowly, he turned to face her, and he looked deep into her eyes. For a moment, she thought she saw a flash of something there. Hope? Need? Before she could decide, it was gone. And the emptiness had returned. She felt a burning sensation in the back of her throat, and tried to fight the tears it summoned forth. But now he was sending her a pleading look. A look, she realized with relief, that she could read. And a look that conveyed the emotion that mirrored one of her own. --Not now.-- So she took the last few stumbling steps to his bedside, and gathered him into her arms. And for that moment there were no questions. There was only live and touch and be. There was no past, and there was no future to worry about. There was only them. And only the present. Make believe and play pretend -- nothing had changed. "Scully," he whispered. And everything was all right. The world outside moved on, but they remained locked in a single moment. A moment that lasted the night. Tangled together, they allowed their eyes to slip shut and both drifted into the first truly peaceful sleep that either of them had had for years. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Another Author's Note: I'm probably going to write more for this, but I really wanted to get this out. I'd hoped to have it out before the premiere, but things didn't work out the way I'd wanted them to. Anyhow, if you'd like to archive it or post it somewhere, just ask :) Spooky861@aol.com ::holds up a sign, now tattered and worn:: WILL DROP PANTS FOR FEEDBACK ~*Spooky861@aol.com*~