Title: One Step Closer Keywords: Scully Angst, MSR Author: KimmyPooh4@aol.com Spoilers: Requiem Summary: Scully deals with Mulder’s abduction, and raising a baby on her own. Rating: PG Disclaimer: The X-Files do not belong to me, nor do Mulder or Scully. They belong to Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and FOX Networks. So don’t sue me. Scully’s Apartment May 25, 2000 As Scully sat in her apartment alone in front of the television, the only thing she could think about was Mulder. She sat with a glass of tea in front of her in her pajamas watching reruns of Charlie’s Angels on TV Land, but her thoughts were elsewhere. She might as well have been on a desert island somewhere because it wouldn’t have mattered. Nothing seemed to matter anymore. She went to work everyday, the same routine day in and day out. But what was it all for? What meaning does life have without the one you love? The thought made the emptiness she already felt in her stomach grow. How could life ever be the same without Mulder in it? Over the past seven years they had been through so much together. She had always put on the persona of being very strong in front of Mulder. She dared not show emotion in front of him for fear that he might think her weak. Yet Scully felt as weak as ever right now. Something had happened when they made love for the first time a few months ago after the Daniel incident. Scully felt more of an attachment to Mulder now more than she ever did before. They had confessed their love for one another while laying on Mulder’s bed in each other’s arms afterward, and from that point on she knew things would never be the same. She knew that Mulder felt it too. And to lose him now after that made it even more devastating. Then to add to it, she had found out she was pregnant. She didn’t know how yet because she was barren from the tests that had been done on her during her abduction, but she was and the thought made her eyes fill with tears of joy, yet there was pain behind them too. She thought about being a mother. It’s something that every girl dreams of when she’s growing up. You’ll get married, have a successful career, have lots of children, and live happily ever after. But that hadn’t been how life was going for Scully up until now. She didn’t have a normal job. She worked as an FBI agent, making it successfully in a field dominated by men. She had gained the respect of her peers, but what really mattered was the respect of her partner. A respect, but over the years it had grown into a deeply rooted love. And now she was pregnant. She couldn’t explain it, but she was. She picked up her cup of tea and took a sip, and then decided to change the channel. Somehow it ended up on CMT, and a Dixie Chicks video came on. Although Scully didn’t really care for country music, she sat there watching the video now. I’ve sure enjoyed the rain But I’m looking forward to the sun You have to feel the pain When you loose the love you gave someone I thought by now the time Would take away these lonely tears I hope you’re doing fine all alone, But where do I go from here ‘Cause without you I’m not okay And without you I’ve lost my way My heart’s stuck in second place, ooh Without you Well I never thought I’d be lying here without you by my side It seems unreal to me That the life you promised was a lie You made it look so easy Making love into memories I guess you got what you wanted But what about me As the chorus began, tears filled Scully’s eyes and slowly began to tumble down her face. She pulled her knees into her chest for comfort, and thought about how she wished more than anything that Mulder could be with her then. ‘Cause without you I’m not okay And without you I’ve lost my way My heart’s stuck in second place, ooh Without you Scully touched her belly and thought about the fact that her child may have to grow up without a father. She felt so alone and vulnerable. She didn’t want to go out, or go to work, she didn’t want to do anything. The tears were flowing even harder now. Somebody tell my head to try to tell my heart That I’m better off without you ‘Cause baby I can’t live At that moment she felt like she didn’t know whether or not she could make it without Mulder. She had to find him. He had to be out there somewhere. She had been returned after her abduction, wouldn’t he be also? Without you I’m not okay And without you I’ve lost my way My heart’s stuck in second place, ooh Without you, Without you The song ended, and Scully quickly turned off the TV. So many emotions were going through her head, it was almost dizzying. She laid down on the couch and quickly fell asleep. 9 Months Later Scully’s mom pulled her car into the parking lot of Scully’s apartment and quickly got out and ran around to the other side to open the car door for her daughter. As she did, she looked in the car to see her daughter holding her new baby, both looking at each other in awe. Scully sat there stroking the baby’s small head, just staring into her small eyes. She was beautiful. Absolutely perfect. Her small hands reached up towards Scully’s face, and she quickly reached down to meet them holding her daughter’s tiny hands. Margaret: “Come on Dana, let’s get you and Kaitlyn inside.” Scully slowly turned to get out of the car, and handed the baby to her mother so that she could stand up. They walked into the building and rode the elevator up to Scully’s floor. They walked down the hallway, and unlocked the door to her apartment. A cradle sat in one end of the room, a playpen in another, and a changing table next to it. Scully crossed the room and set Kaitlyn down in the cradle. The cradle looked so big in comparison to her small body. Scully and her mother both stood there, staring at her making cooing noises. The baby giggled in delight. Scully looked at her mother now, and Margaret Scully could see the pain in her daughter’s eyes. Scully: “Mom, this would all be so perfect if only Mulder was here to share it with me.” Tears rolled down her cheeks and fell onto her mother’s shirt as she held her daughter, trying to comfort her. The baby started to stir, and Scully quickly turned to check on her. The baby began to cry then also. It seemed almost as though she could sense the pain that her mother was feeling. Scully held the baby close as they both cried. When the baby was calm, Scully set her back in her cradle, and her mother led her towards the couch. They both sat down. Margaret: “Are you going to be okay alone here honey? Do you want me to stay?” Scully: “No mom, you had a long night at the hospital. You should go home and sleep,” she replied trying to sound strong. She didn’t want her mother to worry about her. “We’ll be fine.” Margaret: “Okay honey, but only if you’re sure.” Scully: “I’m sure mom, we’ll be fine.” Margaret: “Well okay, but I’ll be by to visit again in a few days.” Scully: “That would be great.” And she smiled at her mother. They both stood up then, and her mother walked over to the cradle one last time to say goodbye to her new granddaughter. Margaret: “Bye honey, I’ll see you in a few days.” And she leaned down and kissed the baby’s forehead. Then she turned and hugged her daughter. Margaret: “Give me a call if you need anything, okay?” Scully: “I promise I will. We’ll see you soon. I love you. Thanks.” Margaret: “I love you too honey. Bye.” Scully: “Bye mom.” And she shut the door then turned towards the cradle. Scully: “Well little Miss Kaitlyn, it’s just you and me.” The baby smiled at Scully and giggled. She stroked the baby’s head, and leaned down to kiss her forehead. Scully was still really tired from having a baby and being in the hospital, so she decided she should probably take a nap. Suddenly she felt the urge to drive to Mulder’s apartment. She didn’t know what it was, but the feeling was really strong. Deciding that maybe she’d feel safest at Mulder’s apartment, she scooped up the baby and her diaper bag, and walked out the door locking it behind her. Mulder’s Apartment, 8:00pm Scully turned the key to Mulder’s apartment, and walked inside. It looked exactly as he had left it. She held Kaitlyn tight, and explained to her that this was her father’s apartment and how she hoped she would one day meet him. “He’ll be such a great daddy to you, I know it,” she added. She walked into Mulder’s bedroom, and crossed over to his bed where one of his shirts lay strewn across it. Scully set the baby down on the bed, and then laid down next to her and wrapped her in Mulder’s shirt. She held the baby close, and they were both asleep in no time. Scully woke up abruptly to the sound of a key turning in the front door. All the lights were out in the apartment and she couldn’t see anything. She slowly got up, leaving Kaitlyn asleep in the bed. She walked into the living room, and saw a figure standing there. Scully: “Hello? Who’s there?” She said into the darkness. Mulder: “Scully?” Scully: “Mulder? Oh my God! Is that you?” They quickly wrapped their arms around each other, and stood there crying. Mulder: “Oh God Scully, I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” Scully: “Me either. Oh Mulder, so much has happened, I have so much to tell you.” Mulder: “So do I,” he said as they continued to hug. Finally they broke away. Scully: “Mulder, I have something to show you.” Mulder: “What is it?” She grabbed his hand and led him towards the bedroom. Scully: “I’ll explain, but let me show you something first.” She pushed the bedroom door open, and turned on a lamp next to the bed. There was Kaitlyn lying on the bed sleeping just as Scully had left her. Mulder was speechless. Scully finally broke the silence. Scully: “I’d like you to meet your daughter.” Mulder: “My daughter? Oh God Scully, she’s beautiful.” Scully: “Her name is Kaitlyn Marie. She was born three days ago.” Mulder sat down on the bed next to the baby, and Scully sat down next to him. Scully: “What are you thinking?” Mulder: “This happened that night that you stayed over after you had seen Daniel? But, but, you can’t have a baby Scully.” Scully: “I don’t know how to explain it Mulder, but we have daughter. And that’s all that matters. So what happened to you? Where did they take you?” Mulder: “I don’t really remember. I remember walking into a energy field out in the woods in Oregon and I can remember not being afraid. I wanted to be taken to finally have the proof.” Scully: “Now that you’re back, I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Mulder: “There’s no where else I’d rather be than right here with my family.” Scully: “Me too.” They layed down on the bed next to their sleeping baby, and held each other tightly all night long. It was the best sleep that Scully had had in a long time. THE END Send me feedback!! KimmyPooh4@aol.com