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Some of my favorite poems and sayings

Some of my favorite poems and sayings

Everybody has some favorite poems or words that mean some thing special to them...
Well these are some of mine.

I have put some here for my girls,for my little boy,for my Mother,for my sister,and for my friends
I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and that you feel free to come back and visit often.

First take a look at the awards that were so kindly given to me, and then sign the guest book
And while you are visiting, why not send a posty to someone, and let them know you are thinking about them..
I hope to keep adding more as I find them, and welcome any suggestions for other ones.

Please sign my guestbook,and let me know what you think of this page.

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angel posty of the day from angelwinks!
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This site has gown so big I have had to add another page !
Thank YOU

Please check it out

When you need inspiration look here

Serenity Prayer(long version)
101 ways to PRAISE your child
You're a Very Special Person
Slow Down
The Trouble Tree
Park Angel
God's Boxes of Love
Believe In Yourself
The Empty Chair
Keep Your Fork
A Guide to Raising Children
Leaving Heart Prints
For A Happy Life
Life is a Miracle
You Can't Have ...
Slow Me Down Lord

These are for my kids and family

Children Learn What They Live
Why God Made Daughters
Heaven's Very Special Child
Being a Sister Means...
When God Created Mothers....
Special Angel
A Little Girl Needs Daddy
A Little Boy Needs Daddy
I Call You Ma...
Hush Little Baby
Legacy of an Adopted Child
A Mother's Heart
You Are Special
Child's 10 Comandments
Writing on the Wall
To Each His Own

For my Friends

May These Special Gifts Come Your Way
I've Learned
The ABC'S of Friendship
My Friend
I Hope
The Star Catcher
If I could..I would..
A Rose For You
A Tiny Angel
Daily Survival Kit
A Penny
A Garden For Daily Living
Some MORE of my Favorite Poems and Sayings