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Brent's Pokčmon Adventure

*For all you serious Pokčmon Gamers out there a lot of the stuff in here won't be the same as the game, for example a lot of Pokčmon will be found where they normally wouldn't be found, etc. So don't be mad*

Chapter One
New Beginnings

He woke up with a start. He'd been dreaming, no it'd been more like a nightmare. He looked around and remembered that he had fallen asleep. He thought about how he got here.....he couldn't remember his parents, he'd been only 1 1\2 year old when they died in that terrible car crash that he'd barely survived. Then he remembered the Viridian City Orphanage and how much he hated it and the children didn't like him. Last of all he remembered just two years ago, he was seventeen, he ran away from the orphanage. Now he was here in the alley.

"Well since I'm already up. I might as well look for what I can scrounge up," nineteen-year-old Brent Sprigwood said to no one in paticular. "Heeeey, what's this?" he remarked about a newly-placed box. He opened it up. Inside were roughly $350, 6 Pokčballs, and 3 Potions. "Wow, I hit the motherload!" he exclaimed. "I wonder if there's Pokčmon in here." He'd seen people use them before, and was pretty sure he knew how.

"Pokčball, GO!" he yelled. Nothing. He pulled out another one. "Pokčball, GO!" He repeated. Nothing. "Aw, man,"he said in despair,"Well 3rd times a charm. Pokčball, GO! Wait what is that. Some kind of seal looking thing, he didn't know too many kinds of Pokčmon. "Well, what are you?" he asked enthusiastically. "Dew...Dewgong!" was the answer. "A Dewgong? Sounds pretty cool! Well I guess you're my first Pokčmon." He said to his new Dewgong. "Dew..Dew..Gong...Dewgong!" "Is that all you can say?" he asked it,"Oh yeah, I forgot Pokčmon can only say their name, Duh!"

"Well, where to now. Aren't there Pokčmon in Viridian Forest? Yeah, that's where I'll go now. After that...maybe...wait I think I heard someone talk about a Pokčmon expert who lives in Pallet Town, I'll go there next."

Chapter 2
Into The Forest

As he entered into Viridian forest, he could hear the sounds of life everywhere. He walked around for a while, then he spotted a Pokčmon. It was some sort of bug-looking thing with mushrooms on its back. "Dewgong, GO! My first battle, maybe I can catch it." Dewgong appeared and Brent ordered it to attack (he didn't know any of Dewgong's moves)"Gong...Dewgong" . "Par..Paras" It dodged the attack then let out some kind of gas from its body. Dewgong fell asleep. "Dewgong wake up!" shouted the eager trainer.

"That was sorry!" yelled an unfamiliar voice. Brent turned around to face a short, bearded man, no taller than 4'5". Brent noticed the man had three Pokčballs attached to his belt. "Yeah, well it was my first battle." "It shows." responded the man. "I suppose you would have done better." Brent quickly shot back. "I think I would have. How would you like me to apprentice you?" he asked. "What? I want to travel and become the best Pokčmon trainer I can be! Not stay here and learn from you. I'd rather learn on my own," Brent answered. "I don't mind traveling, or rudeness," said the short man. "Well, fine, whatever," Brent responded,"I don't even know your name." "Jason Brotter," he said. "I'm Brent Sprigwood." "Now, Brent, how 'bout a quick lesson."

About a half an hour later, Jason was finished giving Brent pointers. "Alright, now you're ready to catch your first Pokčmon. Hey, look there's a Sandshrew, catch 'em." "Okay, here I go. Dewgong, GO!" Brent shouted,"Dewgong Head Butt(he'd learned some of Dewgong's moves), now!" "Dew..gong!" The attack took its effect on the Sandshrew. Jason yelled,"Now use a Pokčball to capture it!" Brent threw a Pokčball it caught the Pokčmon, wiggled around a bit, then finally stopped. "Yeah! I caught my first Pokčmon!" "Good job, Brent!" congratulated Jason.

A few hours later, the two sat at the campfire. Brent was playing with his newly caught Sandshrew. "Sand...sand...shrew...Sandshrew!" "All right time to get back in the Pokčball," Brent told it. After he had the other Pokčball attached to his belt, he looked at Jason and said, Can I see your Pokčmon, Jason?" He replied,"Sure." He removed the three Pokčballs from his belt. "Butterfree, GO!" "Freeeee...beefree" "Beedrill, GO!" "Bee...beedrill...drill" "Lickitung,GO!" "" "I caught Butterfree and Beedrill, right here, in this forest. Of course then they were Caterpie and Weedle. But Lickitung was a gift from a friend that I haven't seen in a long time." Brent didn't push the subject anymore as he noticed Jason's expression when he mentioned it. "Thanks, Jason, well, good night." He zipped up his sleeping bag and closed his eyes. "Yeah, good night." He put his Pokčmon back in their Pokčballs. Then zipped up his sleeping bag and went to sleep.

Chapter Three
Seeing the Prof.

"Wake up, Jason!" "Ok, ok. What's the hurry?!" "We have to go see that Professor in Pallet Town! Ummm, oh yeah, Professor Oak!" "Alright, already, we'll leave!"

When they were through packing up their sleeping bags and stuff, they headed out of the forest. "Hey, Jason. Do you think he'll help me?" "Of course he will, that's what he does, he helps young people start their Pokčmon training careers." "Yeah, but do you think I'm young enough?" "You're only 19, and besides if it weren't for new Pokčmon trainers he wouldn't have a job, in the first place."

Later that day....

"Well, we're here!" "Ok, Brent you find the Professor and tomorrow we'll meet at the Pokčmon center." "You don't want to come with me?" "Well, uhhhh, ummm, I need to get some stuff at the Pokčmart, yeah, that's it!" "Ok see 'ya tommorow."

"Here it is," Brent said entering the Pokčmon research center.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Prof. Oak." "Just go straight ahead. He should be in the lab."

"Prof. Oak?" "Yes, that's me." "Hi, I'm Brent Sprigwood and I'm just starting out as a Pokčmon trainer, and I was told you could help me out." "Sure. Come into my office."


"Here, this is called a Pokčdex. I have programmed your info. into it already." "What does it do?" "It will give you information on Pokčmon including move." "Wow!" "Come here, Brent." Prof. Oak led him to a small table with 8 Pokčballs on it. "Choose one of these. Use your Pokčdex to see what they look like and info on them. Here is the list. Charmander, Spearow, Nidoran (female), Vulpix, Abra, Bellsprout, Machop, and Geodude." "Hmmm, that's a tough choice, I think I'll choose........

Chapter Four
I Choose You...

"Hmmm...that’s a tough choice," Brent said as he thought about which one to choose. After looking each one up in his new Pokčdex he finally decided. "I’ll take Nidoran (female)!" "An excellent choice Brent, here you go!" "Let’s take a looksee, shall we? Nidoran, GO!" Out popped the small blue Poison Pokčmon. “Nido..nidoran..ran..nido!” “Well, Nidoran, looks like we’re going to be travelling together from now on!” “Nido...ran...ran!” “Ok, back in the Pokčball now.” The Pokčmon returned. “Thanks a lot Professor Oak.” “Oh, no problem, Brent. So where are you headed now?” “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that yet, I’m sure Jason has an idea of where to go next.” ‘Did he say ‘Jason’ it must be a coincidence.’ “Oh, is he a Pokčmon trainer also?” “Sure is! He taught me how to fight and train Pokčmon and helped me catch my first one, Sandshrew.” “Oh really, what kind of Pokemon does he have?” “Ummm...oh yeah, a Butterfree, and...a Bee...Beedrill that’s it!” “Is that all?” ‘I guess it’s not him after all.’ “No he has another...ummm...I can’t remember...oh yeah Lickitung!” “Lickitung?!” ‘It IS him!’ “Why are you so suprised by that, Prof.?” “Oh well, ummm, well, Lickitung is very rare, yeah, that’s it! Do you suppose you could ask him to come to my lab so I could study it?” “Uh, ok.” “Good, good, thank you very much! Good bye!” “Bye, Prof. Oak.”

‘Wow, my very own Nidoran! I’ve got three Pokčmon and I’ve only been training for about a week! I’ve got to find another trainer I can use my new Pokčmon to fight against! First I should look up Nidoran’s abilities first.’ “Nidoran (female) a Poison type Pokčmon. Its horns...Nidoran (female) abilities: GROWL, TACKLE, SCRATCH, POISON STING, TAIL WHIP, BITE, FURY SWIPES, DOUBLE KICK.”

“Hey, you! Are you a Pokčmon trainer?” “Yeah, you wanna fight?” “I sure do!” “Let’s go, Shellder, GO!” “Nidoran, GO!” “Shellder, SUPERSONIC!” small supersonic waves emanated from the small water Pokčmon. Nidoran dodged them. “Nidoran, GROWL!” The blue Pokčmon let out a fierce growl. The Shellder froze and started to shake. “Shellder, cut it out, CLAMP, now!” The Shellder approached Nidoran and closed its shell around it! “Nidoran, POISON STING!” Nidoran poked the Shellder with its small horns. The Shellder was poisoned. “Shellder, return!” The Pokčmon went back inside the Pokčball. “Koffing, GO! Koffing, Sludge, now!” The new gas Pokčmon spewed out a heap of toxic mess. It hit Nidoran and blinded it. “Nooo, Nidoran, return! Sandshrew, GO! Sandshrew, SAND-ATTACK!” The ground Pokčmon kicked some sand into the Koffing’s eyes. “Koffing, TACKLE!” The Koffing missed. “Sandshrew finish it off with SLASH!” Sandshrew cut the Pokčmon with his strong claws. “Koffing, Return! Hey, kid you’re pretty good! Here’s some cash.” He handed Brent roughly $50. “Thanks, that was my first battle!” “You’re first battle?! Wow, you could be a real somethin’ someday kid! See ya later!”

‘I can’t believe I won that fight! Now to find Jason!’

To Be Continued...

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See Brent's and Jason's Pokčmon