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Brent's & Jason's Pokèmon

Here are the Pokèmon Brent and Jason own (just in case you're not that familiar w/ Pokèmon)!

Brent's Pokèmon

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Meet Dewgong!

Level: 24

Skills: Aurora Beam, Take Down, Rest, Ice Beam

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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Meet Sandshrew!

Level: 18

Skills: Scratch, Sand Attack, Slash, Poison Sting

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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Meet Nidoran!

Level: 15

Skills: Growl, Tackle, Scratch, Poison Sting

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

Jason's Pokèmon

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Meet Butterfree!

Level: 20

Skills: Confusion, Poison Powder, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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Meet Beedrill!

Level: 21

Skills: Fury Attack, Focus Energy, Twineedle, Rage

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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Meet Lickitung!

Level: 26

Skills: Wrap, Supersonic, Stomp, Disable

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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