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We do not have many rules here, but the rules we do have are expected to be followed.

1) Slayer RP (role play) is for slayers and Vampire RP (role play) is for vampires. Vampires are allowed in the Slayer RP and Slayers are allowed in the Vampire RP but hunting/killing/feeding is only allowed in the Hunting Grounds. This rule is very important and needs to be followed to an extent in order to prevent all out chaos.

2) Rate your threads. That is, if you know there will be some "adult" (I'm not talking hardcore...more along the lines of R rated) material, please post that at the beginning so minors will be warned about the content in advance.

3) No spamming of threads. It gets very annoying.

4) For those of you who are not regular RPers, OOC (out of character) and BIC (back in character) are very handy and it is important that you know the difference. If you have an out of character message, please mark it with OOC and when you are ready to go back in character, mark it with BIC.

5) HTML is allowed but be aware of the fact that it slows your thread down.

I agree

I do not agree