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Welcome to Poetscorner

The original Poetscorner website has been completely destroyed. All of the poets, poems, and features were added to the Bolt Poetscorner website. Bolt Poetscorner is now the home of all of the Poetscorner poets and poetry. It holds almost 40 poets and hundreds of poems as well as many other special features; altogether almost 600 pages.

Also, my newest (and best) website yet is thriving at Stop by some time and check out all of the great features.

The original Guestbook has been left here so that you can view or sign it as you wish. I do thank you for visiting this site, and i hope that you do enjoy Bolt Poetscorner and the Four Pennies.

Bolt Poetscorner
Four Pennies
Moving Words: A Poetry Contest

Please sign the guestbook before departing.

The 4 Pennies Home Page.