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Are you a TRUE Roaches fan??

1. You are close personal friends with the Roaches since you've been to so many concerts.
We're not just close...we're DATING! ( least in my dreams...)
Not really. We met like 5 years ago or something.
They recognize me.

2. You know all their birthdays by heart and always send them birthday cards/presents.
I knew Mike's birthday once. But I've manage to forget it again.
They have birthdays?
Oh yeah man!

3. You have actually cried because you've had to miss concerts for meaningless things like..oh I dunno..your wedding or something.
I cried once but I was also very tired.
I cry everytime I miss a show...
Like I'm going to CRY over them!!

4. You have a webpage dedicated to them!
I have a very successful webpage, thank you!
I tried once but all those really technical things confused me.
I don't even have a computer. This is my cousin's I'm working on now!

5. All your friends at school know EVERYTHING abou the guys and none of them have actually met them.
My best friend has heard me talk about them once, but that's it.
I've never mentioned them away from concerts.
Everybody knows everything about them!!

6. When you meet somebody at school named Michael (a VERY popular name) freak out and start thinking about the Roaches again.
I never stop thinking about them to start with, man!
Hey...that happened to me once. I'd totally forgotten about it until now!

7. You were a Roaches fan before you were a Beatles fan.
Nope. I've been a Beatles fan forever!
Yeah! I've managed to get a few Beatles CDs since I've met them!
I'm not even a Beatles fan now.

8. You know what a true Roach hug feels like.
*SIGH* Yes! AAHH!!
They only shake my hand.
I've been hugged once but I kinda forgot what it was like...

9. You've been to more than 3 clubs to see them since you and the guys met.
I've been to exactly...uh...two.
I've never been to a club. I saw them at the Dome and that's it.
I think the total is somewhere around 8...

10. You have their names written all over your notebook for school. (Or your stuff for work...)
Just Young's. :-)
I don't even KNOW their names!!
I have Adam written there. But it's not the's this other really hot guy in my history class.

11. You have managed to get in a picture on the official Roaches page.
I'm on there once but it's a really stupid picture. Please don't look.
No...I stand in the back and stay away from all electronics. (I'm Amish)
I'm in SO many pictures...I guess it's because I'm just always in the front!

12. You know what other bands or artists the guys like.
Mike and I talk about the band Taxiride sometimes. Or we used to at least.
Yeah. I continuously buy Beach Boys and CCR now because of them.
The only band I know they like is the Beatles...and I'm guessing there.

13. You've managed to make a cameo appearance in a promo video (or you've gotten on TV because of them somehow)
YEP! My claim to fame!
I was on TV once but I was turned around and sneezing so it doesn't count.
Like I said...I'm Amish. Nothing electronic allowed around me.

14. You've had a lot of really embarrassing moments around the guys.
Not really. There was this incident where I actually shot an entire french fry out of my nose which the guys love to remind me of but that's about it.
Everytime I see them something stupid happens. It's my trademark.
No way! That'd be HORRIBLE!!

15. You've seen the inside of the van that they no longer use.
What van?? Do they drive??
No...but I'm really used to the truck now.
I love that van! That weird Mountain Dew thing on the inside was hilarious!